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September 2011
Dear all,
On the article of reflection 1, when you make time for it, watch the movie "touching the void" based on the true story counted under "Backgound" in the article we should read.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t65VrYZ2U9s. I held my breath during the entire movie. Enjoy!
Jovin Hurry
Dear all,
This may be useful as we try to grapple what this whole case is about. From a consultant.
Quoting: "Questions that Leaders and Managers ask ..... and some answers. The following are questions which clients are asking about their own organisation and/or which I often ask of my clients during a consultancy assignment, in order to understand the underlying problems - and offer a solution. After each question is a link to a concept, model, tool or idea which will be of help."
Link: http://www.d.parrish.dial.pipex.com/questions.html
Jovin Hurry
Good morning Prof. Anette,
Thank you for the presentation of the history of project management yesterday morning. As requested, here's the link for the Timeline 3D: http://www.beedocs.com/3dpresentations.html. It's for mac. A few clicks here and there and you'll be able to show this part in an even more engaging way, one that also clarifies the relationships among the different events.
For those who do not have mac, the web-based timeglider may be appealing: http://timeglider.com/.
Enjoy! Cheers!
Jovin Hurry
Masters. KTH.