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Industriell ekonomi för bioteknik

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Welcome to ME1040 Industrial Management for Biotechnology
The course in period 1, Fall 2023, starts on 2023-09-12, 08:15–10:00 in lecture hall F1

ME1040 is given simultaneously with ME1003 Industrial Management, basic course. (ME1040 covers two of the three modules in ME1003: Module 2 Product costing, and Module 3 Financial accounting and corporate finance). It is therefore recommended that you participate in the course introduction of ME1003 Industrial Management, basic course on 2023-08-29 08:15-10:00 in lecture hall F1.

All information about the course will be available on the Canvas page "ME1003/ME1040 HT23" (https://canvas.kth.se/courses/42077) and will be published well in advance of the start of the course. The course in period 1 is given in English. 

Course book:
"Modern Industrial Management", Engwall et. al., Studentlitteratur, 2nd edition (2020) [ISBN: 978-91-44-14152-7]

Exercise book:
"Exercises for Modern Industrial Management", Engwall, et. al., Studentlitteratur, 2nd edition (2020) [ISBN: 978-91-44-14153-4]

For more information or questions, please contact: me1003@indek.kth.se.


Bo Karlson (examiner ME1040 and teacher) & Mohammad Akhbari (examiner & course responsible ME1003)
