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Öppen och användardriven innovation

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Welcome to a course about innovation!

OUI offers you the chance to be inspired AND to be seen and heard. It is participatory in nature.   This course is a course about how innovations are created and how that affects entrepreneurs’ and managers’ innovation strategies. The course is application-oriented, with lots of real-world examples.  It addresses critical enterprise planning and building skills, backed by both theory and practice.  The course offers valuable opportunities for participants to understand and begin using some of the essential tools of innovation.

The course covers:

  • Innovation strategy
  • Innovation
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Sources of innovation
  • Open Innovation
  • User Innovation
  • Free Innovation
  • Optimizing internal and external resources
  • Mass-customization
  • Broadcast search (e.g. crowdsourcing)
  • Innovation diffusion
  • Transaction costs

The course challenges students to identify problems/needs, generate entrepreneurial ideas, evaluate and improve them, and begin laying the groundwork for compelling innovation strategies and the launch of innovative projects or enterprises.

Course Philosophy

The course seeks to equip, empower, and inspire students to innovate or organize for innovation.  There are many applications of innovation.  We ask that you clarify your own interests and goals so that you can focus your efforts accordingly. At the first lecture we will go through the skills that you can expect to learn and when these can be used, for example in the context of your future professions as entrepreneurs, experts, developers and managers. As with most things, what you get out of the course depends in large part on what you put into it.

Course Format:

We will conduct each class more like a seminar in which our role will be as a moderator, questioner, and facilitator. The course involves a variety of activities such as lectures and discussions using pre-assigned readings, discussions, in-class exercises, outside class activities, group projects and presentations, and guest speakers. Students will be required to read classics in the field but also more contemporary works as well as deliver various inputs to a longer venture project. The core concepts and discussions are presented in the "anchor" sessions, which are mostly led by the course lecturers.
