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Version skapad av Mats Jansson 2011-01-20 14:53

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Correct schedule

17/, 10-11  MJ+SW   L1: Introduction
19/1 10-12 MJ           L2: Fundamental Nuclear Chemistry, Part 1
24/1 10-12 MJ           L3: Fundamental Nuclear Chemistry, Part 2
28/1 10-12 MJ           L4: Interaction of Ionizing Radiation with Matter
31/1 10-12 MJ           L5: Detection of Ionizing Radiation, Radiochemistry
1/2 15-17 MJ            WS1: Workshop (calculation assignment)
7/2 8-10 SW             L6: The Chemistry of the Actinides
8/2 8-10 SW             L7: Mining, Enrichment, Fuel Fabrication
14/2 8-10 MJ            L8: Reactor Concepts
14/2 15-17 MJ          L9: Reactor Chemistry
17/2 15-17 MJ+SW   L10: The History of Nuclear Power
21/2 8-10 SW           L11: Concepts for Fuel Management
22/2 10-12 MJ+SW   L12: KBS-3, Geological Storage