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Maj 2017
Last make-up lab sessions
Dear all,
The last make-up lab sessions will be Monday, 24 April. Those of you who need to complete your labs for this year: please book your slot in Daisy.
Best regards, F Lundevall
Mars 2017
Make-up lab sessions
Dear all,
There will me make-up lab sessions next Friday morning, 7 April. Those of you who need to complete your labs for this year: please book your slot in Daisy.
Best regards, F Lundevall
Fredrik Lundevall
28 mars 2017
Make-up lab sessions Dear all,
There will me make-up lab sessions next Friday morning, 107 April. Those of you who need to complete your labs for this year: please book your slot in Daisy.
Best regards, F Lundevall
Dear all,
If you have finished your project and need to show your project at an extra EXPO, there is now an opportunity on Monday, 3 April, at 14:00. Please book your slot in Daisy!
Best regards, F Lundevall
Yesterday's Expo
Thank you, all students who demonstrated your projects at the Expo!
There were many cool, useful, beautiful, and exciting projects at the expo. Here are some examples.
The automatic headlamp, that turns itself on when the room gets dark.
The wireless-card controlled door-lock that can be mounted on any door.
The classic game of Tic-Tac-Toe.
Two teams made their versions of the classic game of Battleships, and connected their designs together for multiplayer gaming.
More slots for Expo tomorrow
Dear all,
We have run out of bookable slots for the Expo tomorrow - sorry about that!
There are now additional bookable slots. The deadline for reserving slots is extended until midnight tonight (24:00). If you still cannot book a slot, please come and talk to us at 08:00 tomorrow morning.
Looking forward to an exciting Expo tomorrow!
Best regards, F Lundevall
Februari 2017
IIUC we may use a one-sided sheet of paper on the exam. Do you permit us to collaborate for such a formula sheet i.e. I can use the formula sheet of a friend or must I make my own formula sheet?
If you agree then I would like to collaborate with some friend to write the formula sheet for the exam. Did anybody write a formula sheet and would like to share it?
Book your slot for the project expo!
Dear all,
Booking for the Project Expo is now open, in Daisy and will close on Wednesday at 13:00, 2017-03-01. Important: in a group of two students, only one of the students should sign up for the Expo.
Please remember to submit your Final Extended Abstract before the deadline on Monday (2017-02-27). In a group of two students, only one of the students should submit the Final Abstract.
One project - one Final Abstract - one Expo slot - even when you are two persons doing the work.
Best regards, F Lundevall
Reserve Lab Session on Friday 24 February will be open
Dear all,
The Lab session on Friday, 24 February at 8:00-12:00 will be open for drop-in finishing of all labs. Booking in Daisy is not possible for this slot. If more than 8 groups arrive, those arriving first will have priority.
Previously, lab sessions marked "reserve" were actually cancelled. We have now discovered that this caused some confusion, and we apologize for not marking the slots more clearly as cancelled.
Finishing labs 1, 2, or 3
If you need to be examined on labs 1, 2, or 3, you can come to any lab session for lab 4, but students who booked a seat in Daisy will always have priority.
Booking for 20-24 February is now closed in Daisy. However, there are several empty slots on three sessions:
- Lab4 må 2017-02-20 08:00-10:00
- Lab4 må 2017-02-20 15:00-17:00
- Lab4 ti 2017-02-21 08:00-10:00
If you need to be examined on labs 1, 2, or 3, please try to visit one of those sessions.
Best regards, F Lundevall
Januari 2017
Hej. Jag letar efter någon att plugga tillsammans med och göra labb och miniprojekt. Kontakta mig gärna på klane@kth.se
Hi. I am looking for someone to do labs and project with. Please do contact me on klane@kth.se
Kevin Lane
20 januari 2017
Hej. Jag letar efter någon att plugga tillsammans med och göra labb och miniprojekt. Kontakta mig gärna på klane@kth.se
Hi. I am looking for someone to do labs and project with. Please do contact me on klane@kth.se
Så det kommer inte vara något sista labbtillfälle i December?