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Vecka 13 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 25 mar 13:00-15:00 Föreläsning
VT 2014 Master
Plats: Ka-439

In this class we will discuss:

  • Course introduction (Lena and Paolo)
  • FIber access networks (Lena)

Slides of the lecture are available here

2 kommentarer
Ons 26 mar 15:00-17:00 Föreläsning
VT 2014 Master
Plats: Ka-540

This call has been cancelled

Vecka 14 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 1 apr 13:00-15:00 Föreläsning
VT 2014 Master
Plats: Ka-540

In this class we will discuss:

  • WDM network design (Lena)

Slides of the lecture are available here.

Class will take place in the conference room Grimeton. Instructions on how to get there are available at:


Ons 2 apr 15:00-17:00 Föreläsning
VT 2014 Master
Plats: Ka-431

In this class we will discuss:

  • WDM network design (Lena)

Slides of the lecture are available here.

Class will take place in the conference room Grimeton. Instructions on how to get there are available at:


Vecka 15 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 8 apr 13:00-15:00 Föreläsning
VT 2014 Master
Plats: Ka-540

In this class we will discuss:

  • WDM Static provisioning (Paolo)

Slides of the lecture are available here

Class will take place in the conference room Grimeton. Instructions on how to get there are available at:


Ons 9 apr 15:00-17:00 Föreläsning
VT 2014 Master
Plats: Ka-539

In this class we will discuss:

  • WDM Static provisioning (Paolo)

Class will take place in the conference room Grimeton. Instructions on how to get there are available at:


Vecka 16 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 15 apr 13:00-15:00 Föreläsning
VT 2014 Master
Plats: Ka-533

In this class we will discuss:

  • WDM Dynamic provisioning (Paolo)

Class will take place in the conference room Grimeton. Instructions on how to get there are available at:


Ons 16 apr 15:00-17:00 Föreläsning
VT 2014 Master
Plats: Ka-540

In this class we will discuss:

  • WDM Dynamic provisioning (Paolo)

Class will take place in the conference room Grimeton. Instructions on how to get there are available at:


Vecka 17 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 22 apr 13:00-15:00 Föreläsning
VT 2014 Master
Plats: Ka-533

In this class we will discuss:

  • Photonic in Switching (Lena)

Class will take place in the conference room Grimeton. Instructions on how to get there are available at:


Slides of the lecture are available here.

Ons 23 apr 15:00-17:00 Föreläsning
VT 2014 Master
Plats: Ka-539

In this class we will discuss:

  • Photonic in Switching (Lena)

Class will take place in the conference room Grimeton. Instructions on how to get there are available at:


Vecka 18 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 29 apr 13:00-15:00 Föreläsning
VT 2014 Master
Plats: Ka-539

In this class we will discuss:

  • WDM networks survivability (Paolo)

Class will take place in the conference room Grimeton. Instructions on how to get there are available at:


Slides of the lecture are available here

Vecka 19 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 6 maj 13:00-15:00 Föreläsning
VT 2014 Master
Plats: Ka-540

In this class we will discuss:

  • Control and management (Paolo)

Class will take place in the conference room Grimeton. Instructions on how to get there are available at:


Slides from class are available here.

Vecka 20 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 13 maj 13:00-15:00 Föreläsning
VT 2014 Master
Plats: Ka-540

In this class we will discuss some of the latest trends in optical networking research. More specifically the two works that will be presented are:

Class will take place in the conference room Grimeton. Instructions on how to get there are available at:


Vecka 22 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 27 maj 09:00-13:00 Tentamen
VT 2014 Master
Plats: Ka-539, Ka-540

The ORAL exam will take place in the conference room Grimeton in the Electrum building, on Level 4, stair B, of the Communication System Dept.

These are the instructon on how to find the room. Once in the Electrum Building go to stair B and take the elevator to the 4th level. Once you exit the elevator take the door on your right (Communication Systems dept). Once you pass the first door you will find yourself in a small entrance. You have then to ring the bell of the door in from of you (it has a KTH sticker on it and Lena's an my name names are listed on the directory on the side of the door).

If you have problems finding the place you can contact Paolo at 08 790 4076