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December 2011
Jan Ingemar Markendahl ställde in händelsen 23 oktober 2011
kommenterade 11 december 2011

Hai Jan,

What is the maximum slides allowed to this oral exam presentation? Tack!

Jan Ingemar Markendahl redigerade 12 december 2011

Each student will present the HW3 report for Jan Markendahl or Claes Beckman during a 15 minute time slot (to be booked) between 13:00 and 17:00between 11:00 and 16:00, see mail about individual time slot. ¶

The presentations 11:00-12:00 will be in room Hörby,and presentations 13:00-16:00 in room Motala, boths rooms at floor 4, elevator C ¶

Please prepare a 7-8 minute presentation, then I will ask questions and we can discuss¶




Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 23 mars 2012
Jan Ingemar Markendahl ställde in händelsen 23 oktober 2011
Jan Ingemar Markendahl redigerade 1 december 2011

Dimensioning procedure for mobile broadband services including:- differemt metrics for estimation of demand- capabilities and cost of different types of technologies- network deployment strategies and options- cost structure modelling and analysis- matching demand and supplyIntroduction to home work assignement 3 

Description of Homework 3¶

HW 3 assignments and review groups¶

Jan Ingemar Markendahl redigerade 2 december 2011

Dimensioning procedure for mobile broadband services including:- differemt metrics for estimation of demand- capabilities and cost of different types of technologies- network deployment strategies and options- cost structure modelling and analysis- matching demand and supplyIntroduction to home work assignement 3 

Description of Homework 3

HW 3 assignments and review groups

kommenterade 2 december 2011

Hej Jan, i remember you mentioned that it would be more than 5 pages needed for HW3 report, then what is the expected maximum pages?

Lärare kommenterade 2 december 2011


keep it less tha 10 pages



kommenterade 5 december 2011

Hi jan,

If I add more cells to the BS, would it also increase the coverage area, or it just increase the capacity?

For example, if the max cell range is 1km, so if I put more 5 cells in that site, (so the total would be 6 cells), would it also increase the coverage become 6 km? 

In my understanding now, only by installing new BS that would increase the coverage area, and adding more cells only increase capacity.  Please CMIIW, tack!

Lärare kommenterade 6 december 2011

Hi Laili, all

In our simple "cylinder model" the range is the same no matter you use:
one "omni" cell, 3 sector cells or 3 sectors with two carriers.

This means that the coverage is the same for a site with 6 cells (3 sectors*2 carriers)
as for the site with just one omni cell

You all need to be aware  when the system is coverge limited or capacity limited 


kommenterade 6 december 2011

hi jan

I am a bit confused about penetration percentage. What is exactly mean!?

It means our population density will be more 2000 per square Km?

Lärare kommenterade 6 december 2011


Hi Amir,

The penetration is the percent of the population that "your" operator need to serve and hence this number is used for the dimensioning

The population density is 100 per square kilometer in rural and 2000 in urban,
the % number gives you the "user density" .



kommenterade 6 december 2011

Hi again

I have more questions

If we setup new site as micro cell inside the coverage area of the Macro cell then the load for macro cell will decrease? I mean can we exclude the number of user in the coverage area of micro cells from total user in Macro cell ?

And what is difference between the installation of site and build up the site?



kommenterade 6 december 2011

Hej Jan, thank you for your answer. 

1. About the coverage again, the requirement clearly mentioned the coverage and capacity that has to be fullfilled each year. But, I found the case that i have fullfilled the capacity but not coverage, and vice versa, not both. What should I do with that?Shoudl I keep increase the CAPEX on that year until both fullfilled?

2. In corellate with Amir's 2nd question, in this HW, should we blend the 3 RATs in one calculation and find the maximum/the most suitable composition, which is the case in real world, OR we just calculate each RAT with different calculation and compare each other? In my understanding it's the second one. For example, calculate the deployment using EDGE only, then compare with example, UMTS Macro, HSDPA Micro, etc, depend on our task, OR blend EDGE solution with UMTS Macro and HSDPA Micro?

3. About Operation and Maintenance.

It's mentioned the OM is 10% from all CAPEX in that year, but in real case, the OM cost of last year (exp, year 0) will be the cost of current year as well (exp, year 1). When we sum out the total cost of the year, should we include the last year's OM to the current year' OM as well?


Lärare kommenterade 6 december 2011

To Amir and Laili,

See below

BR /Jan

Amirs questions:
You should not mix any RAT´s, just compare the different options
"Build up" of the site is to deploy a new site
"Installation" is costs to install the equipment

Lailis questions
you should satisfy reqiermenst in both coverege and capacity
calculate each RAT with different calculation and compare each other
O&M costs is 10% of all made investments, i.e. it is based on the assets of the operator

kommenterade 6 december 2011

Hi jan

You mean we cannot have multi technology in our solution, for example one cell with UMTS and the neighbor cell with HSPDA?

Lärare kommenterade 6 december 2011


No, just sngle RAT deployment to compare

(You should not mix any RAT´s, just compare the different options)



Jan Ingemar Markendahl redigerade 6 december 2011

Dimensioning procedure for mobile broadband services including:- differemt metrics for estimation of demand- capabilities and cost of different types of technologies- network deployment strategies and options- cost structure modelling and analysis- matching demand and supplyIntroduction to home work assignement 3 

Description of Homework 3

HW 3 assignments and review groups¶

Jan Ingemar Markendahl redigerade 6 december 2011

Dimensioning procedure for mobile broadband services including:- differemt metrics for estimation of demand- capabilities and cost of different types of technologies- network deployment strategies and options- cost structure modelling and analysis- matching demand and supplyIntroduction to home work assignement 3 

Description of Homework 3

HW 3 assignments and review groups are moved to the page"student guide and course PM"¶

kommenterade 6 december 2011

hi jan

in the case that we want to find out the number of  available  sites (when we are incumbent) we should consider heterogeneous cell with the site in middle of it or one site with 3 sector that cover the 3 cells ?

kommenterade 7 december 2011

Hi Jan,

Thank you, i still have few questions regarding those answers"

1. You mention about the 5 % price erossion for all equipments price, but how about for "Installation and buildout" and "Running" costs? Should not it also decrease as well?

2. The price for "Site Lease", is it already including the "first cell at the site" as well or not?

3. For now i calculate the maximum traffic using the "Usage per user (GB/month)" table. Can you give some hint, how can the sentence of "The traffic is assumed to be concentrated to 4 hours per day" can be used into to the calculation?

4. What about 10% discount rate for NPV?I dont understand how to use this variable.


kommenterade 8 december 2011


I want to comment on Laili's question about the sectors and the coverage. If we have one sector site, we will only have coverage in one direction but if we have 3 sectors, we will have coverage in 3 directions. Thus, it will increase the total coverage. Am I right?3 sectors vs 1 sector

kommenterade 8 december 2011

About laili's 3rd question: (the 4 hours per day) I think I know the answer: The capacity of the RATs is given in Mbps while the user demand is GB per month. There is one exercise in the notes which is similer to this.

kommenterade 8 december 2011

Hej Abdulla, thanks for responding my quesions, but some of that has been answered by Jan in the class, please CIIW:

Question 1: 5 % price erossion is applicable for all the prices, including "Installation and buildout" and "Running cost" 

Question 2: The amount of "Site Lease" suppose to be as same as the number of BTS we purchased, it just to get place/area to build those BTS. This price is not include "equipment" what so ever. 

Question 3: have been aswered by Jan, exactly the same with your answer.

Question 4: is not answered yet in the class, but I've got how to use it: to evaluate the investment / cash flow (Thanks to Jin).

The example of the calculation, such as: http://www.money-zine.com/Investing/Investing/Evaluating-Cash-Flow-Results/

kommenterade 8 december 2011

About the sector and coverage question, Jan mentioned that we can just use the original range, what so ever how many sector/cell we add (so adding the sectors/cells is just adding more capacity, not more coverage). It's just for simplicity of the calculation. please CMIIW

kommenterade 12 december 2011

Hej! One thing that confuses me is that the instructions say a site can only have 2 carriers with a maximum of 3 cells each. However, the UDGE Macro BTW says there are 3 TDMA carriers from the start. Have I missed something? Can EDGE have extra carriers?

Lärare kommenterade 12 december 2011


Hej Mikael,

Yes, the EDGE description is confusing (unintentionally).
The three 3 TDMA carriers (3*200 kHz) with the capacity 0,7 Mbps can be used as the basic builing block. You can have these 0,7 Mbps in 3 sectors, i.e. 2.1 Mbps per site.

Assume that the maximum configuration 2*0,7 Mbps in each of three sectors, 
i.e. the max  site capacity is 3 * 2*0,7 Mbps.




kommenterade 12 december 2011

So when building an EDGE site from scratch, each of the 3 carriers can only have 2 sectors each meaning the maximum number of cells (sectors) in a site is still 6?

kommenterade 12 december 2011

Also, will an added sector mean _1_ new sector in _1_ of the carriers of a site, or will _all_ carriers in a site receive _1_ extra sector?

Lärare kommenterade 12 december 2011


As I  said, this may be confusing-

The three 3 TDMA carriers (3*200 kHz) with the capacity 0,7 Mbps is a basic building block,
i..e . can be seen as a "carrier group".

Assume that the maximum configuration 2 carrier groups of 0,7 Mbps in each of three sectors, 
i.e. the max  site capacity is 3 * 2*0,7 Mbps.

Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 23 mars 2012
Jan Ingemar Markendahl ställde in händelsen 23 oktober 2011
Claes Beckman redigerade 11 december 2011



More on dimensioning and configuration of Radio Access Networks,deployment cases, problems and examples

Claes Beckman redigerade 12 december 2011


GSM Voice recap¶

Old exam problem

More on dimensioning and configuration of Radio Access Networks,deployment cases, problems and examples

Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 23 mars 2012
Jan Ingemar Markendahl ställde in händelsen 23 oktober 2011
Claes Beckman redigerade 6 december 2011




Exercises and problems on dimensioning, configuration and deployment of Radio Access Networks

Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 23 mars 2012
Jan Ingemar Markendahl ställde in händelsen 23 oktober 2011
Jan Ingemar Markendahl ställde in händelsen 23 oktober 2011
kommenterade 6 december 2011

hi jan

would you please update the adress of tele 2 office in kista


Lärare kommenterade 6 december 2011

Hi all

The Tele2 office is 5 min walk from Electrum at Borgarfjordsg. 16, 164 94 KISTA,
see Eniro Map http://kartor.eniro.se/m/9M9R5

Your host is Björn Lindberg

Unfortunately I am not able to attend but Claes Beckman will join you





Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 23 mars 2012
Jan Ingemar Markendahl ställde in händelsen 23 oktober 2011
Claes Beckman redigerade 5 december 2011

lecture notes part 1¶

Lecture notes part 2¶

Dimensioning, configuration and deployment of Radio Access Networks



Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 23 mars 2012
Jan Ingemar Markendahl ställde in händelsen 17 oktober 2011
Jan Ingemar Markendahl ställde in händelsen 19 oktober 2011
kommenterade 26 november 2011

Hallo Bengt and Jan,

I have few questions in this slide.

- About LRIC.

As far as I preliminary know, LRIC is the “gold standard” for setting interconnection charges. but why EU prefer the FTR/MTR (is this part of calling party pays?) I also still don't quite understand basic principle of LRIC model, as well as Bill and keep (the CPP and RPP are quite simpler)

- What does it means by "pricing strategies with on-net and off-net prices"?

- About UMA.

It is mentioned that UMA is one technology that undermine regulation. I guess UMA is "Unlicensed Mobile Access". Why the implementation of this technology need to be regulated anyway?is that because in term of cost structure point of view, competition, or something else?

Thank you

Lärare kommenterade 2 december 2011


LRIC stands for Long run incremental cost and is a way to model a way and calculate the cost for a particular service, like interconnection. LRIC models a new network and is therefore a way to give a replacement value. For intereconnection is LRIC used to model the cost for terminating a call. The principles for the design of the theoretical model will determine the cost structure and the aim is to model a reasonable efficeint operator. Interconnecation is both the regualted price for fixed termination rate, the price that a fixed line operatos is allowed to charge for terminating a call, and MTR, mobil termination rate is the price that a mobile operator is allowed to charge for terminating a call. The mobile operator has a monopoloy on termination which is why the  price is regualted.

The prices that an operator is setting for calls going to other operators networks are off-net and calls going to customers within the same network is on-net. Taking the termination charge in consideration means that the price that an operator charge for its customers for making calls to other operators networks will probably not be below the termination charrge as this is the cost that the operator has to pay.

UMA is a form of wireless access with a access point to the fixed network. It is by this means using unlicenced spectrum.

Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 23 mars 2012
November 2011
Jan Ingemar Markendahl ställde in händelsen 23 oktober 2011
kommenterade 29 november 2011

Hey, I couldn't find the slides for this lectures could you upload them please.

Lärare kommenterade 29 november 2011

Hoi Abdullah, all


No the slides by Alf Westelius are available




Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 23 mars 2012
Jan Ingemar Markendahl ställde in händelsen 23 oktober 2011
Jan Ingemar Markendahl ställde in händelsen 23 oktober 2011
Jan Ingemar Markendahl ställde in händelsen 13 november 2011
Jan Ingemar Markendahl redigerade 27 november 2011

The lecture by Greger Blennerud is scheduled 11:00-12:00.

10:00-11:00 Jan Markendahl will give a lecture on "Demand for mobile broadband services, and operator offers and subscriptions" ¶ Greger Blennerud is Director Business Development at EricssonGreger Blennerud is Director Business Development at Ericsson¶

10:00-11:00 Jan Markendahl will give a lecture where the mobile operator business game is introduced. The lecture  include the following parts:- Operator strategies - Game preparation on operator strategies game preparation 2 - practical intro to the game, Player instructions etc- some  notes on operator, pricing, offers and subscriptions" The slides are found here

Jan Ingemar Markendahl redigerade 27 november 2011

The lecture by Greger Blennerud is scheduled 11:00-12:00.

Greger Blennerud is Director Business Development at Ericsson

10:00-11:00 Jan Markendahl will give a lecture where the mobile operator business game is introduced. The lecture  include the following parts:- Operator strategies - Game preparation on operator strategies  game preparation 2 - practical intro to the game, Player instructions etc- some  notes on operator, pricing, offers and subscriptions" The slides are found here

Jan Ingemar Markendahl redigerade 27 november 2011

The lecture by Greger Blennerud is scheduled 11:00-12:00.

Greger Blennerud is Director Business Development at Ericsson

10:00-11:00 Jan Markendahl will give a lecture where the mobile operator business game is introduced. The lecture  include the following parts:- Operator strategies - Game preparation on operator strategies game preparation 2 - practical intro to the game, Player instructions etc- some  notes on operator, pricing, offers and subscriptions" The slides are found here

Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 23 mars 2012
Jan Ingemar Markendahl ställde in händelsen 19 oktober 2011
Jan Ingemar Markendahl ställde in händelsen 19 oktober 2011
Jan Ingemar Markendahl ställde in händelsen 19 oktober 2011
En användare har tagit bort sin kommentar
En användare har tagit bort sin kommentar
kommenterade 26 november 2011

Hallo Jan,

I would like to ask question regarding this slide and lecture:

1. Network Cost

Based on page 50, the cost structure for network would be cheaper as MNO will have already put investment on many BTS from "previous" technology. And on page 51, it is mentioned that the radio equipment is also decreasing rapidly. Then why the network cost can be increase, should it be decrese (page 11)? 

2. Pricing Model

In page 12, it is mentioned that the total cost per GB is decrease, as well as the revenue.  I still dont get the point how can this happen: when "the seller" faces lots of customers that keep having higher demand, but then it start to have decreasing in the revenue.  

if the revenue is also decrease, then there is must be something wrong with -mainly- the pricing model. It seems this is confirmed in page 15 and 16, as "The number of mobile broad band bits are 100 – 1000 more than the number of voice bits, but costumer pay more or less the same."

What do you think about that?if yes, is that because of price war? why dont this thing regulated?

3. What is the benefit of “joins forces"  between MNOs forming Wholesale Applications Community? As far as I can see, the decreasing in revenue is a matter of the increasing in traffic but not in price of product (assumption mentioned in question 2), thus that's why there is de-coupling between revenue and traffic. Then how could this join forces change this decreasing revenue phenomenon?

Thank you

Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 23 mars 2012