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Lab 2 Blocking and Interference Statistics in Cellular Networks

The purpose of this lab demonstrate the interplay of noise and interference in wireless cellular systems using statistical models. You will use the the MATLAB based RUNE simulator that allow you to analyze larger cellular systems to produce statiscally more reliable results.

The lab consists of two parts. The rst part of the lab is a walk-through tutorial for the basic RUNE functionality. At the end of this part you are expected to understand which are the basic models available in RUNE and how  to use the RUNE functions and parameters in order to control the models.  In the second part of the lab you will perform analysis of the blocking and
interference statistics in a F/TDMA-based cellular network. The purpose of this part is to give an in-depth understanding of the fundamental trade-o between capacity and the quality provided to the served users.

  • Students should work in groups of 2
  • Book a timeslot for one of the lab session in the Lab booking system in Daisy 
  • Download the lab manual from the student download area
  • Write a small report in which you answer the questions, give solutions for the exercises, explain the procedure, etc. to be submitted on 27th of september.

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Lärare kommenterade 1 oktober 2012

Cdfplot and cdfplotmed do almost the same job. The difference is that cdfplotmed can handle matrix input and plots all colums as separate data series. Depending on how your input data is structured, you could use both functions.