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Spring 2006

Internetworking VT 2006, Periods 3-4, 2G1305 Internetworking

Last modified: 2006-06-12 19:08:21 MEST 2006


Page is still under construction - contents may be inconsistent
* All written assignments submitted as of 2006.06.11 have been graded and as of Monday 12-Jun-06 the grades have been reported in LADOK.
* For students who are looking for examples of papers - see the ACM Sigcomm 2005 proceedings - which are in the Computer Communication Review, Volume 35, Number 4, October 2005.
* Note that the lectures and recitations begin on the hour (as noted in their schedules). Note that there is also on-line information for the textbook.
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2G1305 Internetworking is a 4 point course designed for undergraduates.

Information is available on:

* Aim
* Prerequisites
* Contents
* Schedule
* Literature and Course Material (Textbook, Reference books and other references)
* Lecture Plan and Lecture Material (OH slides)
* Examination Requirements and Registrations
* Staff Associated with the Course
* Registering for the Course
* Other on-line Course Material (More References)
* Announcements
* Evaluation
* Previous versions of the course
Aim This course will give both practical and general knowledge on the protocols that are the basis of the Internet. After this course you should have a good knowledge about Internet protocols and internetworking architecture. You should have a general knowledge aiding you in reading research and standardization documents in the area.

* Telesys, gk or Datorkommunikation och datornät/Data and Computer Communications or equivalent knowledge in Computer Communications
* Students who have not completed the prerequisites should obtain permission of the instructor, before registering for the course.
Contents The course consists of 14 hours of lectures, 14 hours of recitation (övningar) and 40-100 hours of written assignment.

Lectures will be given in English. Lecture notes will be available via the course web site in advance of the relevant lecture(s).

Recitations Recitations will be based on exercises from the main literature. Some extra recitations may be made available via the course web site.

* What the Internet is and why it has proven to be so succesful.
* What protocols are required to allow internetworking (IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, etc.)
* Understanding of TCP/IP protocol stack, layering, encapsulation and multiplexing
* IP Addressing, subnetting and resolution
* Transport protocols, including UDP and TCP
* Details of routing and routing protocols (RIP, BGP, OSPF)
* Autoconfiguration and naming (BOOTP, DHCP, DNS)
* Internet applications (VoIP, SMTP, etc)
* Multicasting, VPNs, Mobile IP, and security
* IPv6 and some differences with IPv4
Examination Requirements
* The basic requirement is the written paper, those who do not submit an acceptable paper can take a written or oral exam (see "komplettering").
* The written exam will contain questions from the course material: the lectures, the recitations, and the labs. Exact grading thresholds will be set during grading. No help material is allowed during the exam (i.e., no books, dictionaries, or calculators). You may answer the exam questions in either swedish or english.
* Note that you must register in advance for all exams (even for the first one - since the expectation for this term is that you will do a written assignment and not another form of examination.
Exam Schedule There will be no written examination as all students have agreed to submit a paper for the course.

Written report
* An assigned paper requiring roughly 40-100h of work by each student (4 p)
* Registration: 31-March 2006, to maguire@it.kth.se with the "Subject: 2G1305 topics" giving the topic selected
* Potential topics will be discussed in class.
* Written report
* The length of the final report should be ~7-8 pages (roughly 3,000 words) for each student; it should not be longer than 8 pages for each student - papers which are longer than 8 pages will be graded as "U".
* The report should clearly describe: 1) what you have done; 2) if you have done some implementation and measurements you should describe the methods and tools used, along with the test or implementation results, and your analysis.
* Final Report: written report due Monday 22-May-06
* Send email with URL link to a PDF file to maguire@it.kth.se
* Late assignments will not be accepted (i.e., there is no guarantee that they will graded in time for the end of the term)
* Note that it is pemissible to start working well in advance of the deadlines! Thus sending the instructor your selection of topic as soon as you have selected one.
* Language: the report can be written in Swedish or English - (I can provide better feedback if the report is written in English)

A very good paper should be either a very good review or present a new idea, while an outstanding or excellent paper should be truely innovative.

A sample paper is: http://www.ibiblio.org/mdma-release/http-prob.html by Simon E Spero).

Each of the sample papers below appears here by permision of the authors - the copyright belongs to the respective authors. Note that the papers below represent papers that were done for 1 point, rather than the 4 points which the current papers are to be worth.

From 2005:

* Stefan Lundström and Daniel Hassellöf, "SCTP-performance and security, 25 May 2005
* Henrik Österdahl, "A comparison of TCP and SCTP performance using the HTTP protocol, 25 May 2005
* Mikael Rudholm, "Lastbalansering för webbservrar", 24 May 2005
* Åsa Pehrsson, TLS session resumption impact on HTTP performance, 8 September 2005
From 2002:

* Filip Tysk, "Design and evaluation of a TCP proxy which provides secure tunneling to another TCP proxy." 26 September 2002
* Rodrigo Sierra, Fair queuing in data networks, 6 December 2002.
In several earlier years all students were assigned the same topic:

* The 2000 topic was: Consider the effect of the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Gateway on the end-to-end behavior experienced by a user of a mobile client when browsing web pages from a Web server (supporting only access to HTML pages via HTTP) attached to the fixed Internet.
* The 1999 topic was: Design and evaluation a TCP proxy which provides secure tunneling to another TCP proxy.
* The 1998 topic was: Examine the possible performance improvements for a user accessing a Web Server via a PPP connection over a modem line.
Old exams

Grading Grades: U, 3, 4, 5.

"komplettering" - for students who do not initially pass the requirements for the course, but are near passing there is the possibility of revising the paper.

Code of Honor and Regulations KTH has a common code of honor and regulations (see Code of Honor and Regulations).

Literature Main Text-Book The course will mainly be based on the book Behrouz A. Forouzan, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, publication date January 2005, (Copyright 2006) 896 pages, ISBN 0072967722 (hardbound) or 0071115838 (softbound)

Copies of the textbook are available at the "Kistabutiken" (student bookshop), located in Electrum, level 3. Above the restaurant. The price for the softbound edition is 675 SEK. Note that they also have the older second edition, but we will be using the third edition.

Note that there is on-line material for the textbook; this includes animations and other useful material.

Differences from the 3rd edition are list on page xxxi of the 3rd edition. The most significant for this course is that the 3rd edition covers: SCTP, more about security, and more examples (using ping, netstat, etc.).

Reading guide: read the entire book.

Additional Reference Books
* Mobile IP: Design Principles and Practices by Charles E. Perkins, Addison-Wesley, 1998, ISBN 0-201-63469-4.
* Mobile IP: the Internet Unplugged by James D. Solomon, Prentice Hall, 1998, ISBN 0-13-856246-6.
* Muhhub Hassan and Raj Jain, Higher Performance TCP/IP Networking: Concepts, Issues, and Solutions Pearson Prentice-Hall, 2004, ISBN 0-13-127257-8.
Supplementary readings For socket programming see:

* Richard Stevens, UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1, Second Edition: Networking APIs: Sockets and XTI, Prentice Hall, 1998, ISBN 0-13-490012-X.Comment: An excellent book on programming network software. The source code and errata list.
* Brian "Beej" Hall, "Beej's Guide to Network Programming: Using Internet Sockets", 04/08/2004 07:22:02 PM
* "Prepared Statement of Vinton G. Cerf, Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google Inc.", at U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Hearing on "Network Neutrality", February 7, 2006
* S. Kurkowski, T. Camp, and M. Coagrosso. MANET simulation studies: the Incredibles. ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 9(4), October 2005.
Useful URLs to be added as necessary

Lecture Plan and Lecture Material (OH slides) Schedule Note that in the following "xx" means "xx:00", not "xx:15".

first lecture Wednesday 15-Mar-06 16:00-18:00 room Sal E

The lecture notes are in PDF format.

Lectures for 2006 (~3MB)

Day of weekDateTimeRoomNotes Wednesday 15-Mar-06 16:00-18:00 Sal E Föreläsning 1 Introduction, IP Basics Tuesday 21-Mar-05 13:00-15:00 *** Sal D *** Föreläsning 2 IP and ICMP Wednesday 22-Mar-06 15:00-17:00 Sal E Föreläsning 3 UDP, TCP Tuesday 28-Mar-05 13:00-15:00 Sal E Föreläsning 4 TCP and SCTP Wednesday 29-Mar-06 15:00-17:00 Sal E Föreläsning 5 Dynamic Routing Tuesday 4-Apr-06 13:00-15:00 Sal E Föreläsning 6 IP Multicast and RSVP; Mobile IP Tuesday 18-Apr-06 13:00-15:00 Sal E Föreläsning 7 Internet Security, VPNs, Firewalls, and NAT; Future and Summary Note that Sal E and Sal D are in the Forum building in Kista

Details of övningar to be added

Recitations(övningar) for 2006:

Day of weekDateTimeRoomNotesweb info Wedensday 5-Apr-06 15:00-17:00 group a: room 538 O1a rec1 notes Thursday 6-Apr-06 13:00-15:00 group b: room 538 O1b Wednesday 19-Apr-06 15:00-17:00 group a: room 538 O2a rec2 notes Thursday 20-Apr-06 13:00-15:00 group b: room 538 O2a Wednesday 26-Apr-06 15:00-17:00 group a: room 538 O3a rec3 notes Thursday 27-Apr-06 13:00-15:00 group b: room 538 O3b Tuesday 2-May-06 13:00-15:00 group a: room 540 O4a rec4 notes Wednesday 3-May-06 15:00-17:00 group b: room 538 O4b Thursday 4-May-06 13:00-15:00 group a: room 538 O5a rec5 notes Friday 5-May-06 13:00-15:00 group b: room 540 O5b Wednesday 10-May-05 15:00-17:00 group a: room 538 O6a rec6 notes Thursday 11-May-05 13:00-15:00 group b: room 538 O6b Thursday 11-May-05 15:00-17:00 group a: room 538 O7a rec7 notes Friday 12-May-05 13:00-15:00 group b: room 540 O7b Staff Associated with the Course
* Lecturer (kursansvarig, föreläsare): Prof. Gerald Q. Maguire Jr. (maguire@kth.se)
* Recitation assistants
* Administrative Assistant -- for administrative questions: recording of grades, ... contact
* Irina Radulescu

Registering Use the normal process for registering. For most students this means you should speak with your study advisor (studievägledare).

Previous versions of the course (see menu at left)

* Spring 2005

Other on-line Course Material Mailing list to course participants: 2g1305@imit.kth.se. Please join or leave the mailing list by sending a mail to majordomo@imit.kth.se with subscribe 2g1305 or unsubscribe 2g1305 in the body of the mail. You are welcome to discuss topics related to the course on the mailing list. Note, you will not be automatically added to the list, you will have to do this yourself.

Sources for Further Information
* Local KTH network information
* The Libnet Packet Construction Library for easily creating packets
* Jörg Liebeherr and Magda El Zarki's Mastering Networks: An Internet Lab Manual, Addison-Wesley, 2004, ISBN: 0-201-78134-4.
* Radia Perlman, Myths, missteps, and folklore in protocol design, Invited talk, USENIX 01, June 30, 2001.
* Tim Deegan, Jon Crowcroft, and Andrew Warfield. The main name system: An exercise in centralized computing ACM SIGCOMM CCR, 35(5):5-13,October 2005
* A useful tool for emulating a network with a given throughput, error rate, etc. is NISTnet see also dummynet
Page History DateUpdate 2016.02.17 moved to KTH Social 2006.05.04 added notes for recitations 6 and 7 2006.04.19 added notes for recitations 4 and 5 2006.04.19 added notes for recitation 3 2006.04.23 added links for NISTnet and dummynet 2006.04.19 added notes for recitation 2 2006.04.05 added notes for recitation 1 2006.03.27 added Deegan, Crowcroft, Warfield paper 2006.03.22 added Hassan and Jain book 2006.03.15 there will be no written exam, as all have agreed to submit papers - there will be a shift in the paper due date 2006.03.15 added a note that the previous papers were for 1 point vs. the current 4 point paper 2006.03.13 added link to lecture notes for 2006 2006.02.08 added link to Vint Cerf's testimony regarding network neutrality 2006.01.31 added note regarding shift of time for first lecture 2005.11.07 added better explaination of paper, exam, and "komplettering" for 2006 2005.11.02 added some of the dates and times for 2006 2005.09.08 added an additional sample paper 2005.08.27 added some material from the 2005 coursepage 2005.08.22 added note regarding "komplettering" 2005.06.24 added another sample paper 2005.06.14 first major new version for spring 2006 © Copyright 2005, 2006 G.Q.Maguire Jr. (maguire@kth.se) All Rights Reserved. Last modified: 2006-06-12 19:08:21 MEST 2006

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