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Tele-economics: services, Machine-Type Communications and Internet-of-Things

Tid: Torsdag 25 februari 2016 kl 10:00 - 12:00 2016-02-25T10:00:00 2016-02-25T12:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan

Plats: Ka-204

Aktivitet: Lektion

Lärare: Anders Västberg ()

Studentgrupper: TIDAB_DDNB_3, TIDAB_DPUB_3, TIEDB_3


Lecture by Andres Laya and Jan Markendahl.

Continuation of Tele-economic analysis: services and Internet-of-Things.

Jan on markets, examples from media and payments: Lecture notes

Andres on IoT and MTC: Lecture notes

Research papers with examples from 

mobile payments 

and IoT services

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 25 september 2015

ändrade rättigheterna 3 november 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Schemahandläggare tog bort händelsen 13 november 2015
Lärare Andres Laya Romero redigerade 24 februari 2016

LektionTele-economics: services, Machine-Type Communications and Internet-of-Things

Lecture by Andres Laya and Jan Markendahl.¶

Continuation of Tele-economic analysis: services and Internet-of-Things.¶

Lecture notes¶

Review groups for country cases¶

Lärare Jan Ingemar Markendahl redigerade 25 februari 2016

Lecture by Andres Laya and Jan Markendahl.

Continuation of Tele-economic analysis: services and Internet-of-Things.

Lecture notesJan on markets, examples from media and payments: Lecture notes¶

Andres on IoT and MTC: Lecture notes¶

Rsearch papers with examples from media and mobile payments:¶

Review groups for country cases

Lärare Jan Ingemar Markendahl redigerade 25 februari 2016

Lecture by Andres Laya and Jan Markendahl.

Continuation of Tele-economic analysis: services and Internet-of-Things.

Jan on markets, examples from media and payments: Lecture notes

Andres on IoT and MTC: Lecture notes

Research papers with examples from media and

mobile payments: ¶

and IoT services

Review groups for country cases

Lärare Andres Laya Romero redigerade 18 mars 2016

Lecture by Andres Laya and Jan Markendahl.

Continuation of Tele-economic analysis: services and Internet-of-Things.

Jan on markets, examples from media and payments: Lecture notes

Andres on IoT and MTC: Lecture notes

Research papers with examples from media

mobile payments 

and IoT services

Review groups for country cases

Lärare Andres Laya Romero redigerade 21 mars 2016

Lecture by Andres Laya and Jan Markendahl.

Continuation of Tele-economic analysis: services and Internet-of-Things.

Jan on markets, examples from media and payments: Lecture notes

Andres on IoT and MTC: Lecture notes

Research papers with examples from media

mobile payments 

and IoT services

Review groups for country cases¶ ¶

Hela världen får läsa.

Senast ändrad 2016-03-21 15:12

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