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Tid: Onsdag 2 september 2015 kl 15:00 - 19:00 2015-09-02T15:00:00 2015-09-02T19:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
HT 2015

Plats: Ka-204, Ka-208, Ka-210, Ka-303, Ka-308

Aktivitet: Seminarium

Studentgrupper: TCOMM_1, TSEDM_2, TSMKM_1


form groups of 2 + develop topics +  start to work on project plan


Ka-204 (Gerald Maguire) - all students in the P1 only version of the course: the time slot 15:15-17:00 will be for TSEDM + CDATE students, while the time slot 17:15-19:00 will be for CINTE + TSMKM + TCOMM  + TITEH + any other students in the P1 only version of the course

Ka-208 (Konrad Tollmar)- Human Computer Interaction and Design (TIVNM, HCID) - note this group of students will meet during the time slot 15:15-17:00

Ka-210 (Magnus Boman) - Internet technologies and architectures (TIVNM, ITAK) - note this group of students will meet during the time slot 15:15-17:00

The following sections will have their first meeting on Thursday 3 September 15:15-17:00

Ka-204(Mark Smith) - Embedded Systems (TIVNM, INSY) + (a portion of) Embedded Systems (TEBSM).

Ka-210 (Gerald Maguire) - SoC (TSKKM) + (remaining portion of) Embedded Systems (TEBSM) + all other students in P1-P2 version of the course who are not in one of the above programs

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 17 mars 2015

ändrade rättigheterna 30 april 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Lärare Gerald Quentin Maguire Jr redigerade 9 augusti 2015

form groups of 2 + develop topics +  start to work on project plan¶

Groups: Ka-204 (Gerald Maguire) - all students in the P1 version of the course¶

Ka-208 (Konrad Tollmar)- Human Computer Interaction and Design (HCID)¶

Ka-210(Magnus Boman) - Internet technologies and architectures (ITAK)¶

Ka-308(Mark Smith) - Embedded Systems (INSY) + students in P1-2 not in one of the above programs.Note he will scheduled another time for his students to meet¶

Lärare Gerald Quentin Maguire Jr redigerade 22 augusti 2015

form groups of 2 + develop topics +  start to work on project plan

Groups: Ka-204 (Gerald Maguire) - all students in the P1 version of the course

Ka-208 (Konrad Tollmar)- Human Computer Interaction and Design (TIVNM, HCID)

Ka-210(Magnus Boman) - Internet technologies and architectures (TIVNM, ITAK)

Ka-308(Mark Smith) - Embedded Systems (TIVNM, INSY) + students in P1-2 not in one of the above programs.Note(a portion of) Embedded Systems (TEBSM). Unfortunately, due to a scheduling conflict, he will scheduled another time (to be announced) for his students to meet

Ka-202 (TBA) - SoC (TSKKM) + (remaining portion of) Embedded Systems (TEBSM) + students in P1-2 not in one of the above programs¶

Lärare Gerald Quentin Maguire Jr redigerade 22 augusti 2015

form groups of 2 + develop topics +  start to work on project plan

Groups: Ka-204 (Gerald Maguire) - all students in the P1 only version of the course (TSEDM + TSMKM + TITH + TCOMM + CINTE + CDATE)

Ka-208 (Konrad Tollmar)- Human Computer Interaction and Design (TIVNM, HCID)

Ka-210 (Magnus Boman) - Internet technologies and architectures (TIVNM, ITAK)

Ka-308 (Mark Smith) - Embedded Systems (TIVNM, INSY) + (a portion of) Embedded Systems (TEBSM). Unfortunately, due to a scheduling conflict, he will scheduled another time (to be announced) for his students to meet.

Ka-202 (TBA) - SoC (TSKKM) + (remaining portion of) Embedded Systems (TEBSM) + students in P1-2P2 version of the course who are not in one of the above programs

Lärare Gerald Quentin Maguire Jr redigerade 25 augusti 2015

form groups of 2 + develop topics +  start to work on project plan

Groups: Ka-204 (Gerald Maguire) - all students in the P1 only version of the course (TSEDM + TSMKM + TITH + TCOMM + CINTE + CDATE)

Ka-208 (Konrad Tollmar)- Human Computer Interaction and Design (TIVNM, HCID)

Ka-210 (Magnus Boman) - Internet technologies and architectures (TIVNM, ITAK)


The following sections will have their first meeting on Thursday 3 September 15:15-17:00¶

(Mark Smith) - Embedded Systems (TIVNM, INSY) + (a portion of) Embedded Systems (TEBSM). Unfortunately, due to a scheduling conflict, he will scheduled another time (to be announced) for his students to meet.

Ka-202 (TBA10 (Gerald Maguire) - SoC (TSKKM) + (remaining portion of) Embedded Systems (TEBSM) + students in P1-P2 version of the course who are not in one of the above programs

Lärare Gerald Quentin Maguire Jr redigerade 25 augusti 2015

form groups of 2 + develop topics +  start to work on project plan

Groups: Ka-204 (Gerald Maguire) - all students in the P1 only version of the course (TSEDM + TSMKM + TITH + TCOMM + CINTE + CDATE)

Ka-208 (Konrad Tollmar)- Human Computer Interaction and Design (TIVNM, HCID) - note this group of students will meeting during the time slot 15:15-17:00

Ka-210 (Magnus Boman) - Internet technologies and architectures (TIVNM, ITAK) - note this group of students will meet during the time slot 15:15-17:00

The following sections will have their first meeting on Thursday 3 September 15:15-17:00

Ka-204(Mark Smith) - Embedded Systems (TIVNM, INSY) + (a portion of) Embedded Systems (TEBSM). Unfortunately, due to a scheduling conflict, he will scheduled another time (to be announced) for his students to meet.

Ka-210 (Gerald Maguire) - SoC (TSKKM) + (remaining portion of) Embedded Systems (TEBSM) + students in P1-P2 version of the course who are not in one of the above programs

Lärare Gerald Quentin Maguire Jr redigerade 26 augusti 2015

form groups of 2 + develop topics +  start to work on project plan

Groups: Ka-204 (Gerald Maguire) - all students in the P1 only version of the course (TSEDM + TSMKM + TITH: the time slot 15:15-17:00 will be for TSEDM + CDATE students, while the time slot 17:15-19:00 will be for CINTE + TSMKM + TCOMM  + CINTITEH + CDATE)any other students in the P1 only version of the course

Ka-208 (Konrad Tollmar)- Human Computer Interaction and Design (TIVNM, HCID) - note this group of students will meeting during the time slot 15:15-17:00

Ka-210 (Magnus Boman) - Internet technologies and architectures (TIVNM, ITAK) - note this group of students will meet during the time slot 15:15-17:00

The following sections will have their first meeting on Thursday 3 September 15:15-17:00

Ka-204(Mark Smith) - Embedded Systems (TIVNM, INSY) + (a portion of) Embedded Systems (TEBSM). Unfortunately, due to a scheduling conflict, he will scheduled another time (to be announced) for his students to meet.

Ka-210 (Gerald Maguire) - SoC (TSKKM) + (remaining portion of) Embedded Systems (TEBSM) + all other students in P1-P2 version of the course who are not in one of the above programs

Hela världen får läsa.

Senast ändrad 2015-08-26 09:33

Taggar: Saknas än så länge.