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Lab3 wiki

ALTERA Quartus II and ModelSim

Attention! It is very extensive preparations for lab 3, begin the work in time!

For preparation, you will find the programs ready installed in computer room Kista 509

( [IMAGE]en [IMAGE] All lab material (50 pages) )

Download code: Altera homepage or borrow a [IMAGE] USB-stick at school

swInstallera programmen på din dator [IMAGE] pdf [IMAGE]en Install the programs on your computer [IMAGE] pdf

Download code: lockmall.vhd (lockmall.txt)

* sw VHDL-program med Quartus [IMAGE] pdf [IMAGE]en VHDL-program with Quartus [IMAGE] pdf

* sw VHDL för ett kodlås [IMAGE] pdf [IMAGE]en VHDL for a codelock [IMAGE] pdf

swPin-planering i Quartus [IMAGE] pdf [IMAGE]en Pin-planning in Quartus [IMAGE] pdf

* sw Chip-programmering med Quartus [IMAGE] pdf [IMAGE]en Chip-programing with Quartus [IMAGE] pdf ( sw Driver för USB-blastern)

Download code: lock.do (lock.txt )

sw Simulera med ModelSim [IMAGE] pdf [IMAGE]en Simulate with ModelSim [IMAGE] pdf

Download code: tb_lockmall.vhd (tb_lockmall.txt ) lockmall_with_error.vhd (lockmall_with_error.txt)

sw Testbänk i ModelSim [IMAGE] pdf [IMAGE]en Testbench in ModelSim [IMAGE] pdf

sw VHDL testbänks filen [IMAGE] pdf [IMAGE]en VHDL testbench file [IMAGE] pdf