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Version skapad av William Sandqvist 2014-10-23 15:06

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Kurslitteratur/Course litterature


The course uses the following book 
Stephen Brown och Zvonko VranesicFundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design (3rd edition), McGraw-Hill, 2009.ISBN13: 9780071268806 ( called BV in the detailed planning ). You will not need the CD that accompanies the book. We use a later version of the Quartus available pre-installed on the lab computers. You will be able to borrow a USB stick with the installation files to install on your own computer.

Digital Design is an international subject area where most of the literature is in English. We use a good course book in English, and some of the assistants at the lab and some of the exercises are in English. 
Some exercise groups are in English. You thus have the chance to practice your English, to be ready for a future international career!

( Eller ... om Du vill vänta något med engelsk kurslitteratur )


Det går även bra att använda en svensk kursbokLars-Hugo HemertDigitala Kretsar, Studentliteratur.ISBN 91-44-01918-1( kallas för H i detaljplanen ).


For the exercises there will be a separate exercise booklet. 
sw pdf DigDesExercises.pdf

en pdf DigDesExercises_eng.pdf
( Called Ex in the detailed planning ).