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Lecture notes

Lecture 1 - Slides

* Papers: Peer-to-Peer Introduction
Lecture 2 - Blockchains

* Papers: Analysis of Hashrate-Based Double Spending
Lecture 2 - Small world slides

* Papers: kleinberg-smallworld.pdf, Mercury
Lecture 3 - Chord, Kademlia

* Papers: Chord, Kademlia
Lecture 4 - Gossiping

* Papers: Cyclon, TMan
Lecture 5 - BitTorrent

* Papers - BitTorrent Spefication part 1, part 2
Lecture 6 - P2P Live Streaming Slides

* Clive, P2P Live Streaming Optimization
Lecture 7 - Systems Issues in P2P

* DTL by Peerialism, BAR Gossip
Lecture 8 - Introduction to Hadoop

* MapReduce, The Google Filesystem
Lecture 9 - Cluster Management

* YARN, Mesos, Omega
Lecture 10 - Introduction to Cloud Computing

* Above the Clouds, MapReduce