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Här visas ändringar i "Examination" mellan 2017-01-14 12:29 av Johan Montelius och 2017-01-14 12:30 av Johan Montelius.

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The course has changed some during the last year and all though the syllabus is very similar the examinations has changed. Old exams are of course one way to prepare for the written exam but to prepare you for this years exam I've compiled a template of what it will look like

* template.pdf
* template-english.pdf

To the exam you will be able to bring one by you handwritten A4 page of notes.

The exam for HT16 with example answers. As you might have noticed there was only a maximum of 40 basic points, not 42, so the limits for grades have been adjusted.

* exam-answers.pdf
* exam-english-answers.pdf