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Version skapad av Johan Montelius 2018-04-09 13:38

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To the exam you will be able to bring one by you handwritten A4 page of notes.

Exam HT16

The exam for HT16 with example answers. As you might have noticed there was only a maximum of 40 basic points, not 42, so the limits for grades have been adjusted. 

Of the 77 that signed up for the course, 50 took the exam (65%). The grades were distributed as follows:

16% 14% 22% 14% 18% 12% 14%

The distribution was slightly better for the Swedish version of the course but the number of students in the different groups are too few too give any significant numbers on the difference in performance.

If you got an FX you can come by my office and present the correct answers to all the basic questions. You should do this before the end of March. 

Re-exam HT16

Previous years