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To the exam you will be able to bring one by you handwritten A4 page of notes.

Exam HT16

The exam for HT16 with example answers. As you might have noticed there was only a maximum of 40 basic points, not 42, so the limits for grades have been adjusted. 

Of the 77 that signed up for the course, 50 took the exam (65%). The grades were distributed as follows:

16% 14% 22% 14% 18% 12% 14%

The distribution was slightly better for the Swedish version of the course but the number of students in the different groups are too few too give any significant numbers on the difference in performance.

If you got an FX you can come by my office and present the correct answers to all the basic questions. You should do this before the end of March. 

Re-exam HT16

Previous years

Lärare Johan Montelius skapade sidan 3 oktober 2016

kommenterade 3 oktober 2016

Hejsan Johan, länken verkar stendöd tyvärr...

Lärare kommenterade 3 oktober 2016

ahh ok skall fixa

Lärare kommenterade 3 oktober 2016

nu är det lite bättre

kommenterade 3 oktober 2016

Grymt, toppen att detta kommer upp tidigt under kursens gång :)

En användare har tagit bort sin kommentar
Lärare kommenterade 19 oktober 2016


skall förklara om det är förvirrande.

TENA: en skriftlig tentamen, till denna förbereder du dig bäst genom att gå på föreläsningar, läsa boken och göra uppgifter.

SEMA: ett större projekt där det i år finns några alternativ. Detta examiners vid presentation vi seminarier.

En användare har tagit bort sin kommentar
Lärare kommenterade 19 oktober 2016

En skriftlig tentamen a 6hp och ett projekt a 1.5hp.

För projektet så finns några alternativ i val av uppgift men oavsett val så redovisas dessa på ett eller flera seminarier skriftligt och muntligt.

En användare har tagit bort sin kommentar
Lärare kommenterade 20 oktober 2016

För andra som följer tråden och som kan klargöras.

De "uppgifter" som finns under "Experiments" är ingenting som skall redovisas. Dessa uppgifter fungerar som instudering och är mer en form av handledning dvs steg för steg så går de igenom hur man skall göra vissa experiment. Det kommer finnas en sektion på tentan där frågorna blir betydligt enklare att förstå om man har gjort övningarna.

För kursens "projektdel" kommer det finnas två alternativ.

Det första alternativet är ett projekt där vi gemensamt bygger ett minimalt OS från grunden i Rust, inte lätt men kul, följer man det spåret så är man med på de "seminarier" som finns (tror de ligger på torsdagar längre fram).

Det andra alternativet, för de som vill jobba mer på egen hand eller som  inte riktigt ser poängen med att skriva saker i assembler så kan man välja att göra två uppgifter, som båda bygger vidare på de "experiment som finns. Dessa uppgifter redovisas muntligt och skriftligt vid ett seminarium i mitten på december.

Lärare Johan Montelius ändrade rättigheterna 1 november 2016

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
kommenterade 23 november 2016

Hej! När kan man anmäla sig till tentamen och vart kommer man göra det. Tänkte att det kanske blir annorlunda iom Canvas/Social dualiteten.

Lärare kommenterade 23 november 2016

Anmälan sker i KTH Mina Sidor och öppnar 1:a december.

Johan Montelius redigerade 23 november 2016

The course has changed some during the last year and all though the syllabus is very similar the examinations has changed. Old exams are of course one way to prepare for the written exam but to prepare you for this years exam I've compiled a template of what it will look like. I hope to add some example questions so you see in what detail I expect you to know the content of the course.

* template.pdf
* template-english.pdf

To the exam you will be able to bring one by you handwritten A4 page of notes.¶

kommenterade 24 november 2016


Kommer det vara en ordinarie tenta januari 2017? Jag kan endast se en i mars 2017


Lärare kommenterade 25 november 2016

14:e januari i Kista

Johan Montelius redigerade 27 november 2016

The course has changed some during the last year and all though the syllabus is very similar the examinations has changed. Old exams are of course one way to prepare for the written exam but to prepare you for this years exam I've compiled a template of what it will look like. I hope to add some example questions so you see in what detail I expect you to know the content of the course.

* template.pdf
* template-english.pdf

To the exam you will be able to bring one by you handwritten A4 page of notes.

kommenterade 6 december 2016


It seems that there is one sample question missing between page 9 and page 10 of the English version template.

Br, LI Hongzhou

Lärare kommenterade 7 december 2016

It's just an unlucky page break,

kommenterade 4 januari 2017

Hi, what is the grading for the ones that should not answer all of the questions? Like, I am only supposed to answer question 1-8 (3.8 hp exam), not 9-10. How many points do I need to pass?


Lärare kommenterade 4 januari 2017

17,  for all exams the limit for E is aprx 55% of the basic points.

kommenterade 4 januari 2017

Thank you!

kommenterade 6 januari 2017

Is it the same topics in each chapter of the next exam?

For example, I'm supposed to take the 3.8p exam and will thus read questions 1 - 8. Does that mean that I have to learn 1 (operating system), 2 (Scheduling), ...., 8 (Virtualization) and can exclude 9 (implementation)?


kommenterade 6 januari 2017

"To the exam you will be able to bring one by you handwritten A4 page of notes."

Are you allowed to write on both sides of the paper? 

Lärare kommenterade 6 januari 2017


Lärare kommenterade 7 januari 2017

"Is it the same topics in each chapter of the next exam?"

Questions 1-8 do not require any more codeing skills other than what we have covered during lectures. Question 9 is directly linked to the exercises.

kommenterade 8 januari 2017

Does this mean that the topics of questions 1-8 in the coming exam will be the same as in the template exam? 

Lärare kommenterade 8 januari 2017


kommenterade 9 januari 2017


Is it possible to get answers to the questions? Even if it is just a short answer, it would give us some clue as to whether we are on the right track or not which would really help.

Lärare kommenterade 9 januari 2017

I don't have anything compiled and ready. Which question is it that you have problem with?

kommenterade 9 januari 2017

I would like to see how you want us to write the answer to for example 2.3. All examinators want different answers - and our last one really wanted all the information (nothing excluded and nothing redundant included), and it was really hard understanding how he wanted us to write the answers.

kommenterade 9 januari 2017

I have a problem with 4.2 and 8.1, am not certain or want to know to how much/what an answer should be for 2.1 and 3.2. That is what it is now. I have not done all questions yet, only got to 4.2 before I got stuck and now just skimmed through the rest.

Lärare kommenterade 9 januari 2017

One thing - the answer should be written in the space available on the exam (and written in a way that is readable). Most questions can be answered in two or three sentences.

For example:

2.3  The process places the arguments and identifier of the system call on the stack and then executes INT 0x80. The execution continues in kernel mode and starts to execute the procedure indicated by the IDT. This procedure identifies the system call to be executed, executes the call, provides the result, returns from the call an continues in user mode.

4.2 A page is 4K byte since the we have a 12 bit offset. The page table needs 2^20 entries (1 M) and each entry is 4 bytes i.e. 4 Mbyte.

Noticed that the English version was not up to date - will fix.

kommenterade 9 januari 2017

For question 4.1, I find that segments hold information that points to either location in memory or address of a page table, the length of the segment, the set of permissions (R/W/Execute) and a flag indicating whether or not it is in memory.

Which are the two values you are referring to?

Lärare kommenterade 9 januari 2017

The "base" and "bound" i.e. the location in memory and the length of the segment.

"or address of a page table" ???

En användare har tagit bort sin kommentar
kommenterade 10 januari 2017

Thank you, and the address of a page table was found on wikipedia, don't know how reliable.


En användare har tagit bort sin kommentar
Johan Montelius redigerade 14 januari 2017

The course has changed some during the last year and all though the syllabus is very similar the examinations has changed. Old exams are of course one way to prepare for the written exam but to prepare you for this years exam I've compiled a template of what it will look like

* template.pdf
* template-english.pdf

To the exam you will be able to bring one by you handwritten A4 page of notes.

The exam for HT16 with example answers.¶

* exam-answers.pdf
* exam-english-answers.pdf

Johan Montelius redigerade 11 april 2017

The course has changed some during the last year and all though the syllabus is very similar the examinations has changed. Old exams are of course one way to prepare for the written exam but to prepare you for this years exam I've compiled a template of what it will look like

* template.pdf
* template-english.pdf
To the exam you will be able to bring one by you handwritten A4 page of notes.

Exam HT16 The exam for HT16 with example answers. As you might have noticed there was only a maximum of 40 basic points, not 42, so the limits for grades have been adjusted. 

* exam-answers.pdf
* exam-english-answers.pdf
Results HT16 Of the 77 that signed up for the course, 50 took the exam (65%). The grades were distributed as follows:

F FX E D C B A 16% 14% 22% 14% 18% 12% 14% The distribution was slightly better for the Swedish version of the course but the number of students in the different groups become too give any significant numbers on the difference in performance.

If you got an FX you can come by my office and present the correct answers to all the basic questions. You should do this before the end of March. 

Re-exam HT16
* rexam-answers.pdf

Johan Montelius redigerade 7 juni 2017

To the exam you will be able to bring one by you handwritten A4 page of notes.

Exam HT16 The exam for HT16 with example answers. As you might have noticed there was only a maximum of 40 basic points, not 42, so the limits for grades have been adjusted. 

* exam-2017-01-14-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-01-14-english-answers.pdf
Of the 77 that signed up for the course, 50 took the exam (65%). The grades were distributed as follows:

F FX E D C B A 16% 14% 22% 14% 18% 12% 14% The distribution was slightly better for the Swedish version of the course but the number of students in the different groups are too few too give any significant numbers on the difference in performance.

If you got an FX you can come by my office and present the correct answers to all the basic questions. You should do this before the end of March. 

Re-exam HT16
* exam-2017-04-10-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-04-10-english-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-06-07-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-06-07-english-answers.pdf

Johan Montelius redigerade 9 april 2018

To the exam you will be able to bring one by you handwritten A4 page of notes.

Exam HT16 The exam for HT16 with example answers. As you might have noticed there was only a maximum of 40 basic points, not 42, so the limits for grades have been adjusted. 

* exam-2017-01-14-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-01-14-english-answers.pdf
Of the 77 that signed up for the course, 50 took the exam (65%). The grades were distributed as follows:

F FX E D C B A 16% 14% 22% 14% 18% 12% 14% The distribution was slightly better for the Swedish version of the course but the number of students in the different groups are too few too give any significant numbers on the difference in performance.

If you got an FX you can come by my office and present the correct answers to all the basic questions. You should do this before the end of March. 

Re-exam HT16
* exam-2017-04-10-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-04-10-english-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-06-07-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-06-07-english-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-08-21-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-08-21-english-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-12-18-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-12-18-english-answers.pdf
* 6hp exam-2018-04-03-answers.pdf
* 6hp exam-2018-04-03-english-answers.pdf

Johan Montelius redigerade 9 april 2018

To the exam you will be able to bring one by you handwritten A4 page of notes.

Exam HT16 The exam for HT16 with example answers. As you might have noticed there was only a maximum of 40 basic points, not 42, so the limits for grades have been adjusted. 

* exam-2017-01-14-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-01-14-english-answers.pdf
Of the 77 that signed up for the course, 50 took the exam (65%). The grades were distributed as follows:

F FX E D C B A 16% 14% 22% 14% 18% 12% 14% The distribution was slightly better for the Swedish version of the course but the number of students in the different groups are too few too give any significant numbers on the difference in performance.

If you got an FX you can come by my office and present the correct answers to all the basic questions. You should do this before the end of March. 

Re-exam HT16
* exam-2017-04-10-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-04-10-english-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-06-07-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-06-07-english-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-08-21-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-08-21-english-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-12-18-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-12-18-english-answers.pdf
* 6hp exam-2018-04-03-answers.pdf
* 6hp exam-2018-04-03-english-answers.pdf

Previous years ¶

* 3.8 hp ID2200 exam-2018-04-03-answers.pdf
* 4.5 hp ID2206 exam-2018-04-03-answers.pdf