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Rudy - a small web server

Write your own web server and access it using a regular web browser.

In this assignment you will build a small web server; sounds more complicate than it is. Before the seminar you should have started with Erlang and have completed a small web server. You should have done some performance measurements and written a small report describing your experiments and findings.

You should complete the rudimentary server described above and do some experiments. Set up the server on one machine and access it from another (or the same) machine. A small benchmark program can generate requests and measure the time it takes to receive the answers. Write up your findings in a small report.

At the corresponding reporting seminar you are required to present and demonstrate results of your homework, discuss your findings and problems (if any) you have faced, pros and cons of your solution, and your suggestions on how to improve the server.

Book a time slot for reporting HW1 via this Doodle pool

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Johan Montelius redigerade 28 september 2015

Write your own web server and access it using a regular web browser.

In this assignment you will build a small web server; sounds more complicate than it is. Before the seminar you should have started with Erlang and have completed a small web server. You should have done some performance measurements and written a small report describing your experiments and findings.

* Rudy - a small web server
* RFC 2616
You should complete the rudimentary server described above and do someexperiments. Set up the server on one machine and access it from another machine. A small benchmark program can generate requests and measure the time it takes to receive the answers. Write up your findings in a small report.

During the seminar we will discuss your findings and discuss pros and cons on how to improve the server.