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Distributed Hash Tables

This is an introduction to large scale storage systems using distributed hash tables. Why do we use hashing at all and what is the trade-off between fast lookup and management of routing tables. What do we do when nodes die and where do we store the replicas.

Lärare Johan Montelius skapade sidan 24 september 2012

Johan Montelius redigerade 28 september 2012

This is an introduction to large scale storage systems using distributed hash tables. Why do we use hashing at all and what is the trade-off between fast lookup and management of routing tables. What do we do when nodes die and where do we store the replicas.

* distributed hash tables.pdf

Johan Montelius redigerade 17 oktober 2014

This is an introduction to large scale storage systems using distributed hash tables. Why do we use hashing at all and what is the trade-off between fast lookup and management of routing tables. What do we do when nodes die and where do we store the replicas.

* p2p.pdf
* dht.pdf