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Lots of resources related to internet applications can be found on the internet. Not to get lost, I recommend that you first look at XYZ.

Tutorials There is a lot of online instruction on the different languages covered in this course. Some useful sites are listed here.

W3Schools http://www.w3schools.com/ The number one site for tutorials on all languages covered in the course.

Can I use... http://caniuse.com/ Which browsers support which parts of the HTML, CSS and JavaScript specicifiactions.

Browser Usage Statistics It is good to know market shares of different browser versions when deciding which browser should be able to display your site. Be aware that such shares vary a lot depending on region and user category. Here are some sites for browser usage statistics.

* StatCounter, http://gs.statcounter.com/
* W3Schools, http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp
Specifications Frameworks and APIs jQuery http://jquery.com/ JavaScript API that provides a simpler syntax than plain JavaScript for reading and manipulating HTML elements.

Knockout http://knockoutjs.com/ JavaScript framework that manages model-view separation using the MVVM architectural pattern. Such a framewortk is required by pages that do not reload HTML with hardcoded values but instead update values in the current page.

Programs jsFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/ Online editor where you can testrun HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

JSLint http://jslint.com/ Online tool for testing JavaScript code quality.¶

Web Development Browser Plugins
* Firebug, http://www.getfirebug.com/ Firebug enables inspecting, modifying and debugging HTML, CSS, JavaScript, network activity and more.
* Web Developer, http://chrispederick.com/work/web-developer/ Web developer can display and change lots of properties of a displayed web page, for example cookies, forms, images and window size. It can also validate HTML and CSS.
* Inspect Element Many browsers has a inspect element option when right-clicking on a web page, which provides a useful interface to the chosen element of the current page.
WAMP/MAMP/LAMP and so on easyPHP

Databases PHPmyadmin

Web Servers https://httpd.apache.org/ The Apache HTTP server is the most used web server. All examples will be given using this server.http://nginx.org/ The nginx server has gained a lot of popularity recently.

Designs Free design templates is a good source of inspiration even if you do not find any appropriate to use.

* Open Source Web Design, http://www.oswd.org/
* Open Web Design, http://www.openwebdesign.org/
Images and Icons Some sites with free images and icons.

* freeimages, http://www.freeimages.com/
* Public Domain Pictures, http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/
* Pixabay, http://pixabay.com/
* Free Icons Web, http://www.freeiconsweb.com/
* Free Icons Download, http://freeiconsdownload.com/index.html