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Här visas ändringar i "Lecture Notes" mellan 2015-08-17 13:50 av Leif Lindbäck och 2015-08-18 14:45 av Leif Lindbäck.

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Text Book and Lecture Notes

Text Book This book is not compulsory reading, but can provide good help in the languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, .NET) included in the course. The book content is probably available in online guides and tutorials, but to find everything obviously requires some effort.

Robert W. Sebesta: Programming the World Wide Web, 8th ed. (Pearson 2014) ISBN: 9780133775983

Lecture Notes Lecture 1, Introduction This presentations repeats important concepts of the internet, covered in the course IK1203 Networks and Communication, internet-essentials.pdfCourse layout, course-plan.pdfArchitecture, tools, user interface design, intro.pdf

Lecture 2, HTML html.pdf

Lecture 3, CSS css.pdf

Lecture 4, The PHP Language php-language.pdf

Lecture 5, Using PHP in a Web Application php-in-a-webapp.pdf¶

Lecture 6, XML Lecture 7, PHP and Web Applications Lecture 8, PHP and Web Applications Lecture 9, PHP and Web Applications Lecture 10, Database Access With PHP Lecture 11, The .NET Platform Lecture 12, The JavaScript Language Lecture 13, Using JavaScript a Web Application Lecture 14, Using JavaScript a Web Application