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Här visas ändringar i "Examination" mellan 2018-03-14 13:52 av Johan Montelius och 2018-04-09 13:15 av Johan Montelius.

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Examination consist of a regular written exam. To the exam you will be able to bring one by you handwritten A4 page of notes (yes both sides).

Previous exams
* 2018-01-12.pdf
* 2018-01-12-english.pdf
* 2018-04-03.pdf
* 2018-04-03-english.pdf
Prepare for the exam Presentation slides: Exam intro

Older exams These are exams given for ID2200/06, note that it was written for several incarnations of the course. The exam for ID1200/06 is covered by question 1-9.

* exam-2017-01-14-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-01-14-english-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-04-10-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-04-10-english-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-06-07-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-06-07-english-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-08-21-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-08-21-english-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-12-18-answers.pdf
* exam-2017-12-18-english-answers.pdf