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Concurrency is of course a whole different animal. It has nothing to do with functional programming but since Erlang is a functional programming language that supports concurrency we can continue with Elixir. Different language have different ways of handling concurrency and especially how concurrent processes communicate. Elixir implements a model called actors model where processes communicate by messages, this model is also found in Scala and Go.

After the lecture

Take a look at the exercises related to concurrency.

Elixir concepts

Lärare Johan Montelius skapade sidan 19 januari 2015

Lärare Johan Montelius ändrade rättigheterna 21 januari 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Johan Montelius redigerade 3 februari 2016

Concurrency is of course a whole different animal. It has nothing to do with functional programming but since Erlang is a functional programming language that supports concurrency we can continue with Erlang. Different language have different ways of handling concurrency and especially how concurrent processes communicate. Erlang implements a model called actors model where processes communicate by messages, this model is also found in Scala and Go.

* concurrency.pdf
* processes.pdf
Before this lecture You will find a very good introduction to Erlang processes in the online material. Take a look at the section:¶

* Creating Processes and Message Passing