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Project Assignment

The goal is study a related topic and write a final report. The project assignment can be done in groups of two. If you work in a group, then you need to specify on a separate note each other contributions.

Report The project report is either in form of a

* research paper, where new results are obtained, or
* survey article,
survey presentation and report where a summary of the a specific sub-field is given in a tutorial fashion.
The final
* alternatively a research paper and presentation where new results are obtained
The final presentation should be at least 30 min and
report should be of at least 53 page double column IEEE format. Good research paper might be worth to publish, then the required format of the conference or journal is sufficient.

Grade The project will be graded with pass/fail based on the report.

Topics Here is a list of potential topic:

* energy constrained distributed detection
* communication constrained distributed detection
* complexity constrained distributed detection
* distributed detection for control
* distributed detecton for wireless networks
* sequential distributed detection
* quickest distributed detection
* interactive distributed detection
* soft decision in distributed detection
* ...
Discuss with your PhD supervisor about suitable topics and feel free to propose a topic. The topic has to be related to the course and has to be approved by the teacher.