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Version skapad av Le Phuong Cao 2015-09-07 19:45

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New Thesis Projects

Available master thesis projects:

1. Device authentication at the Physical layer in EchoRing

James GrossMahboob Ur Rahman.

2 Shared secret key generation at the Physical layer in EchoRing James Gross, Mahboob Ur Rahman. MsProject2
3 Application of Machine Learning in Resource Allocation in 5G Systems James Gross, Sahar Imtiaz MsProject3
4 Network simulator for 5G Cellular Networks James Gross, Sahar Imtiaz MsProject4
5 (Thesis project at Erricsson in Kista) James GrossMahboob Ur Rahman, Vicknesan Ayadurai 13th-Sept MSProject5