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Version skapad av Tobias Oechtering 2013-08-12 10:10

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On Mon, Oct 15 there is a written exam covering the material of the lectures and exercises. The registration for the exam has to be done until Fri, Sep 28 under your personal  "My Pages" account.

The exam will consist of two parts (subject to minor changes)

  • Part A: Questionaire with 16 questions. Each answer will be assessed as correct (+1 point), false (-1 point), no answer (0 point). You pass this part of the exam if you achieve 8 points including the bonus points, then Part B  will assessed. If you do not pass Part A, then you failed the whole exam (Part B will be not assessed).

  • Part B: Problem solving. The problems will be of similar style as problems in previous exams/tutorials. If you passed Part A, then the grade of the exam (A-F) is determined by the achieved points in Part B.

Allowed aids for exam:

Allowed aids for the exam:

  • The script “Signal Theory” (without personal notes)
  • Table of formulas in signal processing,
  • EE/KTH Beta Math handbook (sold at KTH book store), or similar (please check with course responsible in advance)
  • Language dictionary if desired (ask before)

Note: Pocket calculators are NOT allowed

Infos about procedure:

You will get paper in the exam. The exam will be managed by the people from STEX who will organize guards for the exam. Note that these guards do not know the topic and follow the rules, which means they check that you do not cheed (which they do very well), should take away material not allowed for the exam, and unfortunately cannot answer questions regarding the content. However, Magnus Jansson (substitiution of the teacher) and the TAs will regularly come during the exam who you can ask questions. However, they will not answer questions regarding your bonus points in the exam!