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What is the NSS course about?

It is about fundamental concepts and technologies related to the security of modern, state-of-the-art networked systems.

Why should you take this course?

You will build a strong technical basis for future work in networked systems and their security. You will prepare yourselves for solving modern real-world engineering problems and get a feeling of recent research.

What will you learn?

To identify vulnerabilities and attacks, state security requirements, understand security architectures and solutions, design security protocols, and discuss security best practices for: the Internet infrastructure and protocols, peer-to-peer networks, wireless local and personal area networks, cellular mobile networks, and embedded systems. You will also get introduced to privacy enhancing technologies, trusted computing, and security for wireless sensor networks, the smart grid, and mobile ad hoc networks.

Course Tab

  • Period 4, 7.5 credits. Starting Spring 2012.
  • Course code: EP2500, PhD level Course Code: EP3200
  • In-class lectures. Grading based on assignments and examination. Teaching material in English.
  • Prerequisites: Basic understanding of networking, communications, and security.


The NSS course can be followed by the Building Networked Systems Security (BNSS) (codes for MSc/PhD: EP2520/EP3250) or the Advanced Networked Systems Security (ANSS) (codes or MSc/PhD: EP2510/3300) course, or both. Both BNSS and ANSS provide personalized work involvement (project, presentation).

A choice of either or both depends on the student's goals and nature of work. Students are strongly encouraged to discuss with the instructor. Taking BNSS and/or ANSS directly is advised only when the student has already solid security knowledge.

What changes in the academic year 2013-2014?

NSS (EP2500/3200) is offered in Period 4 (spring 2013, year 2012-2013) . For the following academic year, the the academic year 2013-2014, i.e., Fall 2013,, NSS moves to Period 2. 

NSS will be offered in parallel with ANSS (Period 2). 

BNSS moves to period 3, i.e., Winter 2014. 

How should PhD see NSS and its follow-ups?

A PhD student with interest in security but with a dissertation on a different topicwishing to understand security considerations in her area of research. The NSS course (EP3200) would be the right starting point, especially if there is limited prior knowledge of security.

A PhD student with a clear security orientation. In case of prior security preparation (industry, coursework, or thesis, outside KTH), the NSS course could be in parts easy. But the NSS breadth would significantly benefit students with experience on specific security aspects.

PhD students in NSS will be provided with additional readings and more challenging homework and exam problems compared to the MSc students taking the course.

The more advanced nature of BNSS and ANSS are clearly appropriate for PhD that look for specialized security knowledge. More details on the course pages 
