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Här visas ändringar i "Seminar 3 - Sustainability" mellan 2017-02-01 11:28 av Viktoria Fodor och 2017-02-01 11:42 av Viktoria Fodor.

Seminar 3 - Sustainability

Reflection submission deadline: see "Submission and seminar dates..."¶

Seminar date and time: see "Submission and seminar dates..."¶

This assignment is about how ICT can be used as a tool to help sustainable development. You will look at videos, web-pages and research articles.¶

Preparation before the seminar
* Web course
* Log into bilda.kth.se in another tab of the browser and then move back to here again
* Direct you browser to https://bilda.kth.se/courseId/12271/content.do?id=23106706
* Go through the course "The Environment and Sustainable Development" (available also in Swedish "Miljö och hållbar utveckling"
* Pass the quiz before the deadline

* Reading material
* The sustainable development goals of the UN http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/
* Lorenz M. Hilty , Bernard Aebischer, ICT for Sustainability: An Emerging Research Field, in ICT Innovations for SustainabilityVolume 310 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing pp 3-36, 2014http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-09228-7_1 (If you want to look at the document when not inside the KTH network, direct your browser to https://vpn-web.lan.kth.se and paste the URL there. You need to log into with your username and network secret. To see your network secret go here https://login.sys.kth.se/peapshow.html)

Written reflection Pick two of the 17 UN goals and write a reflection on how ICT can help regarding these particular goals. The suggestions should be grounded in the reading material (Lorenz et al.) and should be concrete and not just general reasoning that you could do without reading the material. it may be a good idea to refer to one of a few ICT product instead of ICT in general. Discuss also the risks, is there anything that can go wrong, so that ICT becomes a threat instead? The text should be 500-600 words. ¶

General advice:¶

* Read the reading material thoroughly, use the material extensively in your reflection text.
* In your reflection text, be specific. Give arguments, and support your arguments with references or examples.
* Write a continuous text, use the questions and guidelines.
* Use complete references.
Submission Go to Course wiki, find your group, Seminar 3 and your name. Upload the pdf with your name. If you still can not access the wiki, please send the reflection to me (vfodor@kth.se), with informative file name and subject line: seminar3-groupA(B,C)-firstname-familyname.pdf, subject: seminar3-groupA(B,C).¶

Before the seminar You will find the reflection texts in the course wiki. Read all the reflecting documents in your group. Make notes of the most interesting parts in the reflections and be ready to discuss these at the seminar.¶

During the seminar Take active part in the discussions!¶