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Version skapad av Viktoria Fodor 2013-09-19 11:31

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Seminar 1 - Study Networked Systems ans Services Master - Why?

Reflection submission deadline: see "Submission and seminar dates..."

Seminar date and time: see  "Submission and seminar dates..."

The first seminar will be related to why you choose this particular master programme, what your expectations are/were and how these are matched by our programme.

Reading before the seminar

Please read the programme objectives http://www.kth.se/student/kurser/program/TNSSM/HT13/mal?l=en and the marketing text at http://www.kth.se/en/studies/programmes/master/programmes/ee/network-services-systems.

Written reflection

For 1st year students:

Write a reflecting text of 500-600 words (about a page) answering the following questions

  • Why did you choose this particular programme?
  • What are your life time goals (career related)?
  • What are your goals for the next 3-5 years?
  • What are your goals for the ongoing academic year?
  • How do the programme, as described in the programme descriptions, match your expectations and goals?
  • Now that you have prepared your study plan and spent a number of weeks here at KTH, what has surprised you the most (positively or negatively)?

For 2nd year students:

Write a reflecting text of 500-600 words (about a page) answering the following questions

  • Why did you choose this particular programme?
  • How has your studies so far matched your expectations? What was the biggest surprise?
  • What are your life time goals (career related)?
  • What are your goals for the next 3-5 years?
  • What are your goals for the ongoing academic year?
  • What do you recognize and what do you not recognize in the programme descriptions?

Write your name at the top of the page. Save the document in PDF format (there are several free PDF converters available, for example PrimoPDF if your word processing software does not support PDF).

If you are in group A: name the document seminar1-groupA-firstname-familyname.pdf.
If you are in group B: name the document  seminar1-groupB-firstname-familyname.pdf.

Send the single pdf file to vfodor@kth.se, with subject: seminar1-groupA (or B)

Before the seminar

You will find the reflection texts in the course wiki the day after the submission deadline.

Read all the reflecting documents of your group mates. Mark the sentences that you find particularly interesting or important.

During the seminar

Take active part in the discussions!