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Version skapad av Viktoria Fodor 2012-09-17 21:52

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Project topics and progress

Select one of the listed topics, or define your own. If you define your own topic, talk to me before you start to work.

One paper is listed for each topic. Select 2-3 other, closely related papers to address the topic of the project. You can find related papers by checking the references in the paper, or you can google the paper, and then you will see other publications where this one is referenced.

  1. How can we model the wireless channel for packet level performance evaluation? From communication theory to teletraffic theroy. P. Sadeghi, et al., "Finite-state Markov modeling of fading channels - a survey of principles and applications," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol.25, no.5, pp.57-80, September 2008
  2. Is long-range dependence present in the Internet? T. Karagiannis, M. Faloutsos, R.H. Riedi, "Long range dependence: Now you see it, now you don't!", Proc. of IEEE Globecom, 2002.
  3. Is it complicated to model the performance of a WLAN access point? A. Bianchi, "Performance analysis of the IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function," IEEE JSAC, 2000
  4. The precence of hidden terminals. How bad is it? A. Tsertou,  D.I. Laurenson, "Revisiting the Hidden Terminal Problem in a CSMA/CA Wireless Network,"  IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol.7, no.7, pp.817-831, July 2008
  5. How does TCP perform over wireless links where packet losses happen due to signal propagation probelms? F. Anjum and L. Tassiulas, "On the behavior of different TCP algorithms over a wireless channel with correlated packet losses," SIGMETRICS Perform. Eval. Rev., May 1999.
  6. What happens with the very short flows in a network with TCP flows? Liang Guo, I. Matta, "The war between mice and elephants," International Conference on Network Protocols, Nov. 2001
  7. What do they mean with proportional fairness in the wireless world? D. Piazza, L.B. Milstein, "Multiuser diversity-mobility tradeoff: modeling and performance analysis of a proportional fair scheduling," IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2002. Nov. 2002.
  8. Is peer-to-peer working for live streaming, when users come and leave all the time? R. Kumar, Yong Liu, K. Ross, "Stochastic fluid theory for p2p streaming systems," IEEE Infocom, 2007.
  9. Cooperative transmission techniques under dynamic traffic. B. Rong, A. Ephremides, A., "Cooperative Access in Wireless Networks: Stable Throughput and Delay," Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on , vol.58, no.9, pp.5890-5907, Sept. 2012
  10. What service quality can we expect from a cloud computing server? K. Xiong and H. Perros, Service performance and analysis in cloud computing, , ICWS 2009, International Workshop on Cloud Computing, July, 6-10 (2009), LA.