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Project topics and progress

Project topics and progress Topic Papers Outline Paper Presentation 1 Is peer-to-peer really fast? (topic 10) X X 2 How to provide fairness in a wireless LAN? (topic 9) X X 3 How to provide fairness in a wireless LAN? (topic 9) X X 4 Is peer-to-peer working for live streaming, when users come and leave all the time? (topic 11) X X 5 How to design medium access control protocols for networks with large propagation delays (topic 3) X X 6 How to design medium access control protocols for networks with large propagation delays (topic 3) - underwater networks X X 7 Why should a router drop packets before buffer overflow? (topic 4) X X 8 How to avoid that UDP flows occupy all transmission bandwidth? (topic 7) X X 9 Why should a router drop packets before buffer overflow? (topic 4) X X-¶ (update)¶ Select one of the listed topics, or define your own. If you define your own topic, talk to me before you start to work.¶ One paper is listed for each topic. Select 2-3 other, closely related papers to address the topic of the project. You can find related papers by checking the references in the paper, or you can google the paper, and then you will see other publications where this one is referenced.¶
* Is long-range dependence present in the Internet? T. Karagiannis, M. Faloutsos, R.H. Riedi, "Long range dependence: Now you see it, now you don't!", Proc. of IEEE Globecom, 2002.
* Is the polling mechanism of Bluetooth efficient and fair? D. Miorandi, A. Zanella, and G. Pierobon, "Performance evaluation of Bluetooth polling schemes: an analytical approach," Mob. Netw. Appl. February 2004.
* How to design medium access control protocols for networks with large propagation delays, e.g., satelite networks? H. Peyravi, "Medium access control protocols performance in satellite communications," IEEE Communications Magazine, March 1999
* Why should a router drop packets before buffer overflow? S. Floyd, v. Jacobsen, "Random eraly detection gateways for congestion avoidance," IEEE/ACM Transaction on networking, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1993.
* How does TCP perform over wireless links where packet losses happen due to signal propagation probelms? F. Anjum and L. Tassiulas, "On the behavior of different TCP algorithms over a wireless channel with correlated packet losses," SIGMETRICS Perform. Eval. Rev., May 1999.
* What happens with the very short flows in a network with TCP flows? Liang Guo, I. Matta, "The war between mice and elephants," International Conference on Network Protocols, Nov. 2001
* How to avoid that UDP flows occupy all transmission bandwidth? J. Padhye, D. Towsley, J. Kurose and R. Koodli,, "A Model Based TCP-Friendly Rate Control Protocol," NOOSDAV 1999.
* What do they mean with proportional fairness in the wireless world? D. Piazza, L.B. Milstein, "Multiuser diversity-mobility tradeoff: modeling and performance analysis of a proportional fair scheduling," IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2002. Nov. 2002.
* How to provide fairness in a wireless LAN? N. H. Vaidya, P. Bahl, and S. Gupta, "Distributed fair scheduling in a wireless LAN," In Proceedings of the 6th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking (Mobicom) 2000.
* Is peer-to-peer really fast? Dongyu Qiu and R. Srikant, "Modeling and performance analysis of BitTorrent-like peer-to-peer networks," SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev., August 2004.
* Is peer-to-peer working for live streaming, when users come and leave all the time? R. Kumar, Yong Liu, K. Ross, "Stochastic fluid theory for p2p streaming systems," IEEE Infocom, 2007.
Select one of the listed topics, or define your own. If you define your own topic, talk to me before you start to work.¶

One paper is listed for each topic. Select 2-3 other, closely related papers to address the topic of the project. You can find related papers by checking the references in the paper, or you can google the paper, and then you will see other publications where this one is referenced.¶

Topics will be added later.¶