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Här visas ändringar i "Updated schedule" mellan 2018-09-10 13:03 av Viktoria Fodor och 2018-09-10 13:10 av Viktoria Fodor.

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Updated schedule

We aim at having lectures in the following timeslots. We meet in the NSE seminar room, at Osquldas vag 6, floor 4.

Tuesdays 10:15-12Fridays 10:15-12

Detailed schedule (preliminary) - non-default times with bold

Sept 4, 10:15 - Traffic modeling 2Sept 7, 10:15 - MAC 1Sept 11, 13:15 - MAC 2Sept 14, 10:15 - Congestion 1Sept 18, 10:15 - Congestion 2Sept 20, 10:15 - Scheduling 1Sept 25 10:15 - Scheduling 2Sept 28 10:15 - Fairness 1Oct 2 10:15 - Fairness 2Oct 5, 10:15 - Multimedia 1Oct 9, 10:15 - Multimedia 2

Oct 16-198-23 (?) - Project presentations and make-up test