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Version skapad av Viktoria Fodor 2015-11-25 12:43

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There is a compulsory mid-term homework in the course, covering lecture and recitation material 1-6.

Homework submission deadline: 2015 Feb 16, 14:00.

Homework problems (pdf)

Homework solutions

How to submit

Homework solutions have to be submitted on a paper copy, hand written. Solutions can be submitted via e-mail, if needed:

  • Paper submission: at the STEX office (Osquldas vag 10).   If the office is closed, you can leave your solution in their mail-box. You can also give me your solution at a lecture or recitation.
  • E-mail submission: vfodor@kth.se

Use the home assignment cover page (pdf) , or similar hand-written version. Otherwise your solution may get lost!

How to work

You can discuss the problems with other students, but copying from other solutions is not allowed. Also consider KTHs general information on plagiarism.


The homework is graded P/F. You pass the moment, if you reach 75%. You receive full points even if your solution has errors, but you have to show a real attempt to solve the problem. 

In case you can not submit the homework on time, contact the teacher in advance. Otherwise 5 points will be subtracted from your exam results.

General advice

- The home assignment problems are easier than exam problems, so, do not take it easy, even if your solutions here are correct.

- It is of highest importance for you to find the correct queuing system to solve a problem. If the queuing system is wrong, the solution can not be correct. Also, do not use equations from "other" queuing systems.

- If there is a formula (you know it or it is listed on the formula sheet) you do not need to derive it. You need to derive a formula, if we write "derive" or "prove".

- Be careful with rounding numbers, and avoid it if possible. We work with small numbers here. Also, keep using common fractions (ratio of integers) if possible, not the decimal form, when small but important parts may disappear.

- Read the published solutions in detail, even if your solution was correct. Maybe you find some interesting ideas.