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Recitation plan

Chapter numbers refer to the problem set chanpter in the course compendium.

R1 Probability theory - overview

R2 Probability theory - problems (Ch. 1, Problems to be considered on the recitation: 2,3,4,5,6)

R3 Markov chains (Ch. 3, Problems to be considered on the recitation: 2,3,4,5,6)

R4 Queuing systems (Ch. 4), M/M/1 (Ch. 5)

R5 M/M/m/m loss system (Ch. 6)

R6 M/M/m (Ch. 7, to be solved on the recitation: 7.2)

R7 M/M/m/S and M/M/m//K (Ch. 8)

R8 Method of stages (Ch. 9 : 9.1, 9.2)

R9 M/G/1 (Ch. 10: 10.1, 10.2, 10.4, 10.3)

R10 M/G/1 with vacation and priorities (Ch.11: exercise 11.3, the problem 2 from the exam in december 2010, exercise 11.1. )

R11 Queuing networks (Ch. 12)

R12 Course summary, example exam problems

Exam problems solved on the recitations 

We will solve an exam problem on each recitation from now on to prepare for the exam. Try to solve the problem on your own before coming to the recitation, then you will benefit more from the discussion there.

Nov. 16. M/M/m/m++: Make-up exam 2011-06-10, problem 1. Available under Previous Exams.

Nov. 18. Engset loss: Dec. 18, 2010, problem 4, June 10, 2011, problem 2. Available under Previous Exams. Bring printed copy, if possible.

Nov. 23:  Finite buffer parts of problem 3 from june 2011  and exercise 3  from december 2010.