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Här visas ändringar i "Lectures" mellan 2012-10-15 15:09 av Viktoria Fodor och 2012-10-15 15:24 av Viktoria Fodor.

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Lectures and recitations

Lectures slides Lecture slides are uploaded a couple of days before the lecture.¶

* Lecture 1 - slides (pdf)
* Lecture 2 - slides (pdf)
* Lecture 3 - slides (pdf)
* Lectures 4-5 - slides (pdf)
* Lectures 5-7 - summary (pdf)
* Lecture 8 - slides (pdf)
* Lecture 9 - slides (pdf)
* Lecture 10 - slides (pdf)
* Lecture 11 - slides (pdf)
* Lecture 12 - slides (pdf)
Lecture topics Below we list the approximate lecture topics and the related reading suggestions. (V1:1-3, 5-7 means the Virtamo notes, section 1: pages 1 to 3 and 5 to 7; N1.1-3 means the Nain notes sections 1.1 to 1.3. All ranges are inclusive final page or section). You will be able to find the lecture slides on the right, uploaded before the respective lecture.

* Introduction to queuing systems: course overview, queuing systems, stochastic processes recall. Reading: probability theory and transforms - basics (V1:1-21, V2:1-19,V3:1-19, V9:1-7).
* Poisson process and Markov chains in continuous time (V7:1-15, V4:1-6, V5:1-8, N1.1).
* Birth-death process, Poisson process, Markovian queuing model, Little's theorem (V6:1-9, V8:1-7, V9:1-7, N1.2-3)
* M/M/1 (V12:1-12, N2.1).
* M/M/m/m - loss system (Erlang) (V10:1-10, N2.4).
* M/M/m - wait system (V12:13-20, N2.3-7).
* M/M/m/*/n - finite population systems (Engset) (V11:1-11).
* Semi-Markovian queuing systems: Er, Hr, method of stages (Kleinrock).
* M/G/1-system, Pollaczek-Khinchine mean value and transform equations (V13:1-25, N2.8).
* Priority service and service vacations (V14:1-10, N3).
* Open queuing networks (V15:1-5,9-12, N4.1).
* Course summary