Labs EP2120
There will be four lab sessions during the term. In order to get full credit for the course, students have to complete all labs.
If you are not a D-student, you need to get access to the CSC computers for labs 3 and 4. You can get access at Delfi (see here)
The lab rooms are located in the "Q" building at Osquldas väg 10, and Orange/Karmosin in the "E" building. Labs 1 and 2 are in the "Q" building. Labs 3 and 4 are in the "E" building.
Each lab will take five hours. There will be a number of different lab occasions for each lab.
You will have to sign up for the labs individually, but the labs are done in groups. Sign up for the labs on Canvas.
Important: Note that there are preparation questions to the labs that you have to complete before the lab and you have to submit them at the beginning of the lab session.
Instructions for how to install Linux in VirtualBox in Windows are here (for Lab1 and Lab2).
There are make-up labs for those who do not complete a lab. Note that if you fail the lab then you will have to wait until the course is given next time.
- Lab 1 Intro and sniffer
Location: B:230, Q building, Osquldas väg 10
Lab manual is available on Canvas. The preparation questions can be found on Canvas. - Lab 2 TCP
Location: B:230, Q building, Osquldas väg 10
Lab manual is available on Canvas. The preparation questions can be found on Canvas. - Lab 3 DNS Location: Lindstedtsvägen 3 (see schedule for details)
Lab instructions and other resources are available in the DNS Lab module in Canvas. Note that you must complete the preparation questions before the lab. - Lab 4 Routing Location: Lindstedtsvägen 3 (see schedule for details). Instructions and preparation questions are available in the Routing lab module in Canvas.
- Make-up labs will be held during week 41