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Schemahandläggare redigerade 14 september 2013
[{'user_name': u'Gyorgy Dan', 'user_id': u'gyuri'}]
[u'IK2218H131', u'EP2120H131', u'EP2120H132']
Schemahandläggare redigerade 8 oktober 2013
E33, E34, E35, E36, E51, E52, E53, M36
Schemahandläggare redigerade 28 oktober 2013
E33, E34, E35, E36, E51, E52, E53, M23, M36
You should receive an email today with instructions regarding the room allocation.
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 14 december 2013
In Homework 2, first sentence "The figure above illustrates four hosts H1, H2, H3, H4 and H5...". Is the figure correct or should it be four hosts?
The figure is correct. I upload a corrected version.
Homework 2, 1.a. "Provide the state of the five ARP caches". As far as I understand there's six ARP caches H1-H5 and router R1. Should we answer with five or six caches?
6 please.
Peter Sjödin redigerade 27 september 2013
There are four homework assignments, each homework assignment is worth 100 points. The homework assignments are part of your preparation for the exam, therefore you have to collect at least 300 points for the four assignments in order to be able to sit for the exam. Individual homework assignments can be graded with any integer number between 0 and 100.
The homework solutions should be submitted individually (not in groups). You are not allowed to copy your assignment from another student or from another source. See code of honour regulation 3. Violation of this rule will be considered as cheating.
There is a submission deadline for every homework assignment (see below). You will have to submit your solution on the web using the homework submission system. You will be asked the course username/password to access the front page. From the front page there is a link to the KTH authentication system, through which you can authenticate yourself using your KTH username/password. Help is available on the front page via a link before login, and in the status bar after login.
Please report problems to György Dán via e-mail.
After the submission deadline we publish the solutions of the assignment on the course home page (below), and you will be able to see the solution submitted by a fellow student in the homework submission system, which you will have to gradewithin 48 hours. You will have to submit your evaluation of your fellow student's homework through the homework submission system. You will only obtain points for your submitted assignment if you submit the evaluation for your fellow student.
In order to ensure that everyone can read the submitted documents we ask you to use PDF format and to write your solutions and review in English. To keep the server load managable, the file size is limited to 500KB. Please name your documents "lastname_firstname_hwX.pdf", where X is the homework number. Please avoid using accented letters in the file name. (Hint: OpenOffice exports to PDF, MS Office can export to PDF using the freeware doPDF PDF converter. There are also other freeware converters available on the web, e.g., Text2PDFfor text to PDF conversion.)
* Homework 1 IP [Download] [bkp:Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.11. - review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.13. [Solutions]
* Homework 2 IP, ARP, Routing, ICMP [Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.18.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.20. [Solutions]
* Homework 3 TCP, Application layer and DNS autoconfiguration [Download] - submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 24.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 48.
* Homework 4 Autoconfiguration, network address translation, etc- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 9.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 11.
Homework 3 is now available.
In HW3 the "Web" part should consist of 25 p, but adding all the questions' points results in 30 p. This would make a total of 105 p on the Homework. I'm guessing 5 points should be removed somewhere?
In question 1, the propagation time (200ms) is it the end to end one way delay? or is it the total propagation delay? ie: do I need to multiply it by 2?
200ms is the propagation time in one direction.
There is now an updated version of HW3, with adjusted number of points on Q3 Web. Sorry for the mistake.
We have received questions about the deadline for HW3. The deadline on the web is correct: Oct 4.
We allow one week for the homework, and then two additional (working) days for the review.
The homework references RFC 2988 which is obsoleted by RFC 6298. Would it not be more correct to use RFC 6298?
You can use RFC6298, the only difference is the initial RTO value, which is allowed to be less than 3s as per RFC6298. Please write in the solution if you use RFC6298.
Regarding Q3 in the TCP part. It says the delayed acknowledgement is 200ms (or at most two full segments).
Do you mean that an acknowledgement is sent after receiving two segments since the last ACK or three segments since the last ACK?
Yes, after 2 full sized segments, as required by TCP.
Homework 3 question 3.e and 3.f. Can you clarify if you want us to calculate the time for one HTML page AND three images or only three images?
The question is about the total time from clicking the link until the entire document is received. It is part of the problem to figure out what this means, and how the HTML document would be organized. So the question is, what happens when you click on the link? What would you receive as response?
In your lecture 8 TCP/UDP pdf, update of estimated RTT mean is given as
sRTT[k +1] = alpha *sRTT[k]+ (1 – alpha) *mRTT[k]
while RFC 2988 says
SRTT <- (1 - alpha) * SRTT + alpha * R'
Which one is correct?
Peter Sjödin redigerade 4 oktober 2013
There are four homework assignments, each homework assignment is worth 100 points. The homework assignments are part of your preparation for the exam, therefore you have to collect at least 300 points for the four assignments in order to be able to sit for the exam. Individual homework assignments can be graded with any integer number between 0 and 100.
The homework solutions should be submitted individually (not in groups). You are not allowed to copy your assignment from another student or from another source. See code of honour regulation 3. Violation of this rule will be considered as cheating.
There is a submission deadline for every homework assignment (see below). You will have to submit your solution on the web using the homework submission system. You will be asked the course username/password to access the front page. From the front page there is a link to the KTH authentication system, through which you can authenticate yourself using your KTH username/password. Help is available on the front page via a link before login, and in the status bar after login.
Please report problems to György Dán via e-mail.
After the submission deadline we publish the solutions of the assignment on the course home page (below), and you will be able to see the solution submitted by a fellow student in the homework submission system, which you will have to gradewithin 48 hours. You will have to submit your evaluation of your fellow student's homework through the homework submission system. You will only obtain points for your submitted assignment if you submit the evaluation for your fellow student.
In order to ensure that everyone can read the submitted documents we ask you to use PDF format and to write your solutions and review in English. To keep the server load managable, the file size is limited to 500KB. Please name your documents "lastname_firstname_hwX.pdf", where X is the homework number. Please avoid using accented letters in the file name. (Hint: OpenOffice exports to PDF, MS Office can export to PDF using the freeware doPDF PDF converter. There are also other freeware converters available on the web, e.g., Text2PDFfor text to PDF conversion.)
* Homework 1 IP [Download] [bkp:Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.11. - review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.13. [Solutions]
* Homework 2 IP, ARP, Routing, ICMP [Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.18.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.20. [Solutions]
* Homework 3 TCP, Application layer and autoconfiguration [Download] - submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 4.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 8. [Solutions]
* Homework 4 Autoconfiguration, network address translation, etc [Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 11.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 15.
Always the RFC. In this case the two are equivalent, just use alpha'=(1-alpha)
Hello, I am looking at the correction of the third homework, and in the TCP part, there is something I don't undersand. How come B recieves the first segment at t0+201ms if it is sent at t0 and transmission time is 200ms ?
The transmission time is 1ms. The one way delay is 200ms. This together gives 201ms.
The sender increases the CWND by min(N,MSS) upon every ACK, where N is the number of bytes acknowledged.
The original solution for the TCP question did not consider the effect of delayed ACKs as in RFC5681 equation (2). A revised solution for the TCP problem is available above. Sorry for the error in the original solution.
I don't understand why we should consider the transmission time for the first segment since it is actually writen in the assignement that the first segment is SENT at t0.
In part 4 DHCP, you mentioned that Transaction ID should be the same value for DHCP DISCOVER and DHCP OFFER, and a new value to be used in DHCP REQUEST and DHCP ACK.
but according to microsoft (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/169289)and some other resources that this transcation ID remains same.
Please rectify.
The Revised solution for Problem for HW3 seems to be missing a few pages. Makes me unable to grade my fellow student.
Exactly, I also kept the transaction IDs the same cause I read about it from the same page
Should i just give my guy full points for all questions except #1?
In fact I had the confusion about DHCP as well, so I tested it on three different WIFI networks monitoring traffic with Wireshark - the transaction ID stayed the same across the full transaction in all cases (that is from DHCPDISCOVER to DHCPACK) - dhcp client in this case was Linux dhclient and the access points used were Linksys, Apple and the KTH ones (though I guess in this case it would probably be more dependent on the client used).
@Daniel: The only solution that has been revised so far is for problem 1. For the rest, use the original set of solutions. They seem to be (mostly) correct, except possibly the DHCP transaction ID being discussed.
@Daniel: As Mikael says, the revised solution concerns only problem 1.
@Kevin: If you assume it is the last bit of the segment that leaves at t0, the solution would only differ in that all time stamps would be 1ms less. The measured round trip times, and the sequence of segments exchanged would be the same. I would say this is a minor issue, and a solution can be correct based on this assumption.
oh I shouldve looked more carefully.
Ok thank you.
Other question for the part 3 : why don't we consider the time necessary for closure of the connection ?
Because upon receiving the last ACK you can be certain that the receiver received all data. You do not need to close the connection for that.
Ok I see. Thank you
It seems an error made by my partner and me is to increase CWND by the byte amount ACKed in each ACK (this is what is called byte-counting?) where as you have stated here it is min(N,MSS). Is this a difference between some different RFCs and/or the book and "reality"?
I haven't checked properly where we got the notion that CWND increases by the byte amount ACKed from, but clearly we both made this assumption.
Also, György - no reply regarding the transaction IDs in DHCP ? In my wireshark logs it sure seems like dhclient uses the same id. Am I mistaken somehow?
It seems that according to RFC 2131, the XID to use in DHCPREQUEST message "should be 'xid' from server selected by DHCPOFFER message", also further down in the RFC "The DHCPREQUEST message contains the same 'xid' as the DHCPOFFER message.".
My client doesnt include yiaddr with DHCPREQUEST either.. I guess this is a prime example of how RFC and implementation does not always jive, as RFC clearly states (as the solution also does that):
"o DHCPREQUEST generated during SELECTING state:"
"requested IP address' MUST be filled in with the yiaddr value from the chosen DHCPOFFER."
Markus Hidell redigerade 6 oktober 2013
There are four homework assignments, each homework assignment is worth 100 points. The homework assignments are part of your preparation for the exam, therefore you have to collect at least 300 points for the four assignments in order to be able to sit for the exam. Individual homework assignments can be graded with any integer number between 0 and 100.
The homework solutions should be submitted individually (not in groups). You are not allowed to copy your assignment from another student or from another source. See code of honour regulation 3. Violation of this rule will be considered as cheating.
There is a submission deadline for every homework assignment (see below). You will have to submit your solution on the web using the homework submission system. You will be asked the course username/password to access the front page. From the front page there is a link to the KTH authentication system, through which you can authenticate yourself using your KTH username/password. Help is available on the front page via a link before login, and in the status bar after login.
Please report problems to György Dán via e-mail.
After the submission deadline we publish the solutions of the assignment on the course home page (below), and you will be able to see the solution submitted by a fellow student in the homework submission system, which you will have to gradewithin 48 hours. You will have to submit your evaluation of your fellow student's homework through the homework submission system. You will only obtain points for your submitted assignment if you submit the evaluation for your fellow student.
In order to ensure that everyone can read the submitted documents we ask you to use PDF format and to write your solutions and review in English. To keep the server load managable, the file size is limited to 500KB. Please name your documents "lastname_firstname_hwX.pdf", where X is the homework number. Please avoid using accented letters in the file name. (Hint: OpenOffice exports to PDF, MS Office can export to PDF using the freeware doPDF PDF converter. There are also other freeware converters available on the web, e.g., Text2PDFfor text to PDF conversion.)
* Homework 1 IP [Download] [bkp:Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.11. - review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.13. [Solutions]
* Homework 2 IP, ARP, Routing, ICMP [Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.18.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.20. [Solutions]
* Homework 3 TCP, Application layer and autoconfiguration [Download] - submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 4.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 8. [Solutions-updated for problem 4] [Revised solution for Problem 1]
* Homework 4 Autoconfiguration, network address translation, etc [Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 11.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 15.
Several DHCP implementations actually turn out to use the same transaction ID for all the four messages DISCOVER, OFFER, REQUEST, ACK. Solutions with the same transaction ID for these messages should be considered OK. The solutions have been updated.
@Linus: Yes, this is exactly the difference between the original solution to problem 1 and the revised solution. The CWND should be increased by max(N,MSS) for every received ACK. If delayed ACKs are used then slow start is slower than it would be without delayed ACKs because of this update rule.
Peter Sjödin redigerade 7 oktober 2013
There are four homework assignments, each homework assignment is worth 100 points. The homework assignments are part of your preparation for the exam, therefore you have to collect at least 300 points for the four assignments in order to be able to sit for the exam. Individual homework assignments can be graded with any integer number between 0 and 100.
The homework solutions should be submitted individually (not in groups). You are not allowed to copy your assignment from another student or from another source. See code of honour regulation 3. Violation of this rule will be considered as cheating.
There is a submission deadline for every homework assignment (see below). You will have to submit your solution on the web using the homework submission system. You will be asked the course username/password to access the front page. From the front page there is a link to the KTH authentication system, through which you can authenticate yourself using your KTH username/password. Help is available on the front page via a link before login, and in the status bar after login.
Please report problems to György Dán via e-mail.
After the submission deadline we publish the solutions of the assignment on the course home page (below), and you will be able to see the solution submitted by a fellow student in the homework submission system, which you will have to gradewithin 48 hours. You will have to submit your evaluation of your fellow student's homework through the homework submission system. You will only obtain points for your submitted assignment if you submit the evaluation for your fellow student.
In order to ensure that everyone can read the submitted documents we ask you to use PDF format and to write your solutions and review in English. To keep the server load managable, the file size is limited to 500KB. Please name your documents "lastname_firstname_hwX.pdf", where X is the homework number. Please avoid using accented letters in the file name. (Hint: OpenOffice exports to PDF, MS Office can export to PDF using the freeware doPDF PDF converter. There are also other freeware converters available on the web, e.g., Text2PDFfor text to PDF conversion.)
* Homework 1 IP [Download] [bkp:Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.11. - review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.13. [Solutions]
* Homework 2 IP, ARP, Routing, ICMP [Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.18.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.20. [Solutions]
* Homework 3 TCP, Application layer and autoconfiguration [Download] - submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 4.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 8. [Solutions- – updated for problem 4] [Revised solution for Problem 11 & 4]
* Homework 4 Autoconfiguration, network address translation, etc [Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 11.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 15.
im unable to download Homework 4. moodle gives me an empty link.
nevermind my browser decided it was a harmful file for some reason.
It seems like it is not possible to upload HW4 on the homework submission system (yet?)?
It should be possible now.
A reminder to Googledocs users: please double-triple-quadruple check the PDF that you generate from googledocs before you upload it to the system. There seems to be an issue that may lead to generating a PDF that contains a warning message but not your document...
Hmm. The text in question 5 says we should consider host, but the arrows in the figure go from/to Which one is it?
Nevermind, I realized now this is because the figure is from the book.
The intention was that you should consider host so the arrows should go to/from It has now been corrected, but correct solutions based communication to/from host should also be considered OK.
Peter Sjödin redigerade 11 oktober 2013
There are four homework assignments, each homework assignment is worth 100 points. The homework assignments are part of your preparation for the exam, therefore you have to collect at least 300 points for the four assignments in order to be able to sit for the exam. Individual homework assignments can be graded with any integer number between 0 and 100.
The homework solutions should be submitted individually (not in groups). You are not allowed to copy your assignment from another student or from another source. See code of honour regulation 3. Violation of this rule will be considered as cheating.
There is a submission deadline for every homework assignment (see below). You will have to submit your solution on the web using the homework submission system. You will be asked the course username/password to access the front page. From the front page there is a link to the KTH authentication system, through which you can authenticate yourself using your KTH username/password. Help is available on the front page via a link before login, and in the status bar after login.
Please report problems to György Dán via e-mail.
After the submission deadline we publish the solutions of the assignment on the course home page (below), and you will be able to see the solution submitted by a fellow student in the homework submission system, which you will have to gradewithin 48 hours. You will have to submit your evaluation of your fellow student's homework through the homework submission system. You will only obtain points for your submitted assignment if you submit the evaluation for your fellow student.
In order to ensure that everyone can read the submitted documents we ask you to use PDF format and to write your solutions and review in English. To keep the server load managable, the file size is limited to 500KB. Please name your documents "lastname_firstname_hwX.pdf", where X is the homework number. Please avoid using accented letters in the file name. (Hint: OpenOffice exports to PDF, MS Office can export to PDF using the freeware doPDF PDF converter. There are also other freeware converters available on the web, e.g., Text2PDFfor text to PDF conversion.)
* Homework 1 IP [Download] [bkp:Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.11. - review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.13. [Solutions]
* Homework 2 IP, ARP, Routing, ICMP [Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.18.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.20. [Solutions]
* Homework 3 TCP, Application layer and autoconfiguration [Download] - submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 4.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 8. [Solutions – updated for problem 1 & 4] Homework 3 updated solutions
* Homework 4 Autoconfiguration, network address translation, etc [Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 11.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 15. [Solutions]
Hello! I have two questions about the solutions for homework 4.
1.b) Isn't the purpose for multiple name servers both redudancy and effeciency? Spreading the requests on multiple machines reduces the load on each machine which makes it possible to response faster.
2.a) There's an IPSec trailer for transport mode at page 859 in the book (TCP/IP Protocol Suite 4th ed). Why is it omitted in the solution?
I assume that any port used in Q5 above port #1023 is valid?
regarding the question about IPsec trailer, we have discussed two different encapsulations: ESP and AH. In the course book on page 859 they seem to assume that the figure illustrates ESP encapsulation, even though it is not explicitly stated (they only call it "IPsec"). In ESP, there is a trailer. Question 2a in HW4 is about AH encapsulation, and there is no trailer in AH encapsulation.
Regarding Q5 in HW4, any port number >1023 is OK.
@Frej Connolly: Regarding 1.b, you are right that adding more servers will increase capacity. I would not say it is the reason why organizations use multiple name servers, though. As a way of doing load balancing, this method has limitations. It is difficult to control how the load is distributed over the servers due to caching etc. The answer we are looking for here is related to availability, and that is the reason for having multiple servers that is mentioned in the textbook.
If a solution does not cover availability/reliability, there should be deduction in points.
Peter Sjödin redigerade 15 oktober 2013
There are four homework assignments, each homework assignment is worth 100 points. The homework assignments are part of your preparation for the exam, therefore you have to collect at least 300 points for the four assignments in order to be able to sit for the exam. Individual homework assignments can be graded with any integer number between 0 and 100.
The homework solutions should be submitted individually (not in groups). You are not allowed to copy your assignment from another student or from another source. See code of honour regulation 3. Violation of this rule will be considered as cheating.
There is a submission deadline for every homework assignment (see below). You will have to submit your solution on the web using the homework submission system. You will be asked the course username/password to access the front page. From the front page there is a link to the KTH authentication system, through which you can authenticate yourself using your KTH username/password. Help is available on the front page via a link before login, and in the status bar after login.
Please report problems to György Dán via e-mail.
After the submission deadline we publish the solutions of the assignment on the course home page (below), and you will be able to see the solution submitted by a fellow student in the homework submission system, which you will have to gradewithin 48 hours. You will have to submit your evaluation of your fellow student's homework through the homework submission system. You will only obtain points for your submitted assignment if you submit the evaluation for your fellow student.
In order to ensure that everyone can read the submitted documents we ask you to use PDF format and to write your solutions and review in English. To keep the server load managable, the file size is limited to 500KB. Please name your documents "lastname_firstname_hwX.pdf", where X is the homework number. Please avoid using accented letters in the file name. (Hint: OpenOffice exports to PDF, MS Office can export to PDF using the freeware doPDF PDF converter. There are also other freeware converters available on the web, e.g., Text2PDFfor text to PDF conversion.)
* Homework 1 IP [Download] [bkp:Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.11. - review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.13. [Solutions]
* Homework 2 IP, ARP, Routing, ICMP [Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.18.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.20. [Solutions]
* Homework 3 TCP, Application layer and autoconfiguration [Download] - submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 4.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 8. [Solutions – updated for problem 1 & 4] Homework 3 updated solutions
* Homework 4 Autoconfiguration, network address translation, etc [Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 11.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 15. [Solutions]
* Homework 5 Make-up opportunity- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 22.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 24.
What happens when the person who was to review my homework dosn't upload anything before the deadline?
The same case is with me. I haven't got my grade points for hw4.
Please wait a bit, the grading should become available soon.
Have you uploaded the gradings? I haven't received a review on my homework yet.
Peter Sjödin redigerade 16 oktober 2013
There are four homework assignments, each homework assignment is worth 100 points. The homework assignments are part of your preparation for the exam, therefore you have to collect at least 300 points for the four assignments in order to be able to sit for the exam. Individual homework assignments can be graded with any integer number between 0 and 100.
The homework solutions should be submitted individually (not in groups). You are not allowed to copy your assignment from another student or from another source. See code of honour regulation 3. Violation of this rule will be considered as cheating.
There is a submission deadline for every homework assignment (see below). You will have to submit your solution on the web using the homework submission system. You will be asked the course username/password to access the front page. From the front page there is a link to the KTH authentication system, through which you can authenticate yourself using your KTH username/password. Help is available on the front page via a link before login, and in the status bar after login.
Please report problems to György Dán via e-mail.
After the submission deadline we publish the solutions of the assignment on the course home page (below), and you will be able to see the solution submitted by a fellow student in the homework submission system, which you will have to gradewithin 48 hours. You will have to submit your evaluation of your fellow student's homework through the homework submission system. You will only obtain points for your submitted assignment if you submit the evaluation for your fellow student.
In order to ensure that everyone can read the submitted documents we ask you to use PDF format and to write your solutions and review in English. To keep the server load managable, the file size is limited to 500KB. Please name your documents "lastname_firstname_hwX.pdf", where X is the homework number. Please avoid using accented letters in the file name. (Hint: OpenOffice exports to PDF, MS Office can export to PDF using the freeware doPDF PDF converter. There are also other freeware converters available on the web, e.g., Text2PDFfor text to PDF conversion.)
* Homework 1 IP [Download] [bkp:Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.11. - review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.13. [Solutions]
* Homework 2 IP, ARP, Routing, ICMP [Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.18.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.20. [Solutions]
* Homework 3 TCP, Application layer and autoconfiguration [Download] - submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 4.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 8. [Solutions – updated for problem 1 & 4] Homework 3 updated solutions
* Homework 4 Autoconfiguration, network address translation, etc [Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 11.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 15. [Solutions]
* Homework 5 Make-up opportunity [Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 22.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 24.
Homework 5 is now available.
Even though it is primarily for those who do not have sufficiently many points, we encourage all students to participate. It is a very good way to prepare for the exam.
Homework 5 has been updated. There were a few minors errors. The corrections are marked in yellow.
@Teachers Here's a suggestion for next time. Utilize KTH social and create one wiki page per homework with the instructions (and solutions!) as text in the wiki page instead of in a pdf. It will be easier for us to see what changes you've made using the built-in version control system. That might also lead to another positive side effect that the discussions will be more structured if they're decoupled, instead of having all >70 comments about any homework on one page.
In HW5, multimedia communication part (b), is the queston correct?
shouldn't it be what does it provide, that TCP does not?
8. Multimedia Communication part b) in HW5 is correctly phrased. The question is, what functionality does RTP add? You could, in theory, have the video frames directly in UDP instead. So the comparison is between (plain) UDP and RTP over UDP.
Where is the solution to Homework 5?
Peter Sjödin redigerade 23 oktober 2013
There are four homework assignments, each homework assignment is worth 100 points. The homework assignments are part of your preparation for the exam, therefore you have to collect at least 300 points for the four assignments in order to be able to sit for the exam. Individual homework assignments can be graded with any integer number between 0 and 100.
The homework solutions should be submitted individually (not in groups). You are not allowed to copy your assignment from another student or from another source. See code of honour regulation 3. Violation of this rule will be considered as cheating.
There is a submission deadline for every homework assignment (see below). You will have to submit your solution on the web using the homework submission system. You will be asked the course username/password to access the front page. From the front page there is a link to the KTH authentication system, through which you can authenticate yourself using your KTH username/password. Help is available on the front page via a link before login, and in the status bar after login.
Please report problems to György Dán via e-mail.
After the submission deadline we publish the solutions of the assignment on the course home page (below), and you will be able to see the solution submitted by a fellow student in the homework submission system, which you will have to gradewithin 48 hours. You will have to submit your evaluation of your fellow student's homework through the homework submission system. You will only obtain points for your submitted assignment if you submit the evaluation for your fellow student.
In order to ensure that everyone can read the submitted documents we ask you to use PDF format and to write your solutions and review in English. To keep the server load managable, the file size is limited to 500KB. Please name your documents "lastname_firstname_hwX.pdf", where X is the homework number. Please avoid using accented letters in the file name. (Hint: OpenOffice exports to PDF, MS Office can export to PDF using the freeware doPDF PDF converter. There are also other freeware converters available on the web, e.g., Text2PDFfor text to PDF conversion.)
* Homework 1 IP [Download] [bkp:Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.11. - review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.13. [Solutions]
* Homework 2 IP, ARP, Routing, ICMP [Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.18.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Sept.20. [Solutions]
* Homework 3 TCP, Application layer and autoconfiguration [Download] - submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 4.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 8. [Solutions – updated for problem 1 & 4] Homework 3 updated solutions
* Homework 4 Autoconfiguration, network address translation, etc [Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 11.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 15. [Solutions]
* Homework 5 Make-up opportunity [Download]- submission deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 22.- review deadline 17:00 CET on 2013.Oct. 24. [Solutions]
The solutions for HW5 are available now.
Peter Sjödin redigerade 30 september 2013
The course contains sixteen two-hour lectures. There will be one or two guest lectures covering related topics. The exact topics will be announced later.
The slides of the lectures will be posted here.
The preliminary subjects of the lectures are as follows:
* Lecture 1 György Dán, Introduction to IP Networking [slides] [bkp:slides]
* Lecture 2 Peter Sjödin, Link layer [slides]
* Lecture 3 György Dán, Basic routing, Addressing in IPv4 and IPv6 [slides] [bkp:slides]Book: [3ed Ch 5,12.2,26][4ed Ch 5,12.2,26]
* Lecture 4 György Dán, IP [slides] [solutions]Book: [3ed Ch 6,8, 27.1][4ed Ch 6,7,27]
* Lecture 5 György Dán, ARP, IP, ICMP [slides]Book: [3ed Ch 7-9, 27][4ed Ch 7-9, 27, 28]
* Lecture 6 György Dán, IP Routing [slides] [ARP solution]Book: [3ed Ch 14][4ed Ch 11]
* Lecture 7 György Dán, IP Routing
* Lecture 8 György Dán, Transport layer, UDP, TCP I [slides]Book: [3ed Ch 11,12][4ed Ch 13,14,15.1-15.4]
* Lecture 9 György Dán, TCP II
* Lecture 10 Peter Sjödin, Application layer I [slides]
* Lecture 11 Peter Sjödin, Application layer II
* Lecture 12 Markus Hidell, IP configuration [slides]
* Lecture 13 Peter Sjödin, DNS & IP Naming
* Lecture 14 Guest lMarkus Hidell, IP secture (tbd) ity
* Lecture 15 Markus Hidell, IP gateways
* Lecture 16 Markus Hidell, Network security protocolsAnders Comstedt, guest lecture
Peter Sjödin redigerade 15 oktober 2013
The course contains sixteen two-hour lectures. There will be one or two guest lectures covering related topics. The exact topics will be announced later.
The slides of the lectures will be posted here.
The preliminary subjects of the lectures are as follows:
* Lecture 1 György Dán, Introduction to IP Networking [slides] [bkp:slides]
* Lecture 2 Peter Sjödin, Link layer [slides]
* Lecture 3 György Dán, Basic routing, Addressing in IPv4 and IPv6 [slides] [bkp:slides]Book: [3ed Ch 5,12.2,26][4ed Ch 5,12.2,26]
* Lecture 4 György Dán, IP [slides] [solutions]Book: [3ed Ch 6,8, 27.1][4ed Ch 6,7,27]
* Lecture 5 György Dán, ARP, IP, ICMP [slides]Book: [3ed Ch 7-9, 27][4ed Ch 7-9, 27, 28]
* Lecture 6 György Dán, IP Routing [slides] [ARP solution]Book: [3ed Ch 14][4ed Ch 11]
* Lecture 7 György Dán, IP Routing
* Lecture 8 György Dán, Transport layer, UDP, TCP I [slides]Book: [3ed Ch 11,12][4ed Ch 13,14,15.1-15.4]
* Lecture 9 György Dán, TCP II
* Lecture 10 Peter Sjödin, Application layer I [slides]Reading guidelines.
* Lecture 11 Peter Sjödin, Application layer IIReading guidelines.
* Lecture 12 Markus Hidell, IP configuration [slides]
* Lecture 13 Peter Sjödin, DNS & IP Naming [slides]Reading guidelines.
* Lecture 14 Markus Hidell, IP security [slides]
* Lecture 15 Markus Hidell, IP gateways [slides]
* Lecture 16 Anders Comstedt, guest lecture
Markus Hidell redigerade 17 oktober 2013
The course contains sixteen two-hour lectures. There will be one or two guest lectures covering related topics. The exact topics will be announced later.
The slides of the lectures will be posted here.
The preliminary subjects of the lectures are as follows:
* Lecture 1 György Dán, Introduction to IP Networking [slides] [bkp:slides]
* Lecture 2 Peter Sjödin, Link layer [slides]Reading guidelines.
* Lecture 3 György Dán, Basic routing, Addressing in IPv4 and IPv6 [slides] [bkp:slides]Book: [3ed Ch 5,12.2,26][4ed Ch 5,12.2,26]
* Lecture 4 György Dán, IP [slides] [solutions]Book: [3ed Ch 6,8, 27.1][4ed Ch 6,7,27]
* Lecture 5 György Dán, ARP, IP, ICMP [slides]Book: [3ed Ch 7-9, 27][4ed Ch 7-9, 27, 28]
* Lecture 6 György Dán, IP Routing [slides] [ARP solution]Book: [3ed Ch 14][4ed Ch 11]
* Lecture 7 György Dán, IP Routing
* Lecture 8 György Dán, Transport layer, UDP, TCP I [slides]Book: [3ed Ch 11,12][4ed Ch 13,14,15.1-15.4]
* Lecture 9 György Dán, TCP II
* Lecture 10 Peter Sjödin, Application layer I [slides]Reading guidelines.
* Lecture 11 Peter Sjödin, Application layer IIReading guidelines.
* Lecture 12 Markus Hidell, IP configuration [slides]Reading guidelines.
* Lecture 13 Peter Sjödin, DNS & IP Naming [slides]Reading guidelines.
* Lecture 14 Markus Hidell, IP security [slides]Reading guidelines.
* Lecture 15 Markus Hidell, IP gateways [slides]Reading guidelines.
* Lecture 16 Anders Comstedt, guest lecture
Peter Sjödin redigerade 16 oktober 2013
Recommended text book TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Third or Fourth Edition by Behrouz A. Forouzan, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-296772-2 (ISBN 0-07-111583-8 for the paperback version). The book has a good coverage of modern Internetworking topics and has a very pedagogical top-down approach.
The second edition of the book can also be used.
Reading instructions for the text book The book is quite large. A recommendation is to use the lecture slides as guidelines on what is relevant. Reading instructions for 3rd Edition summarizes the chapters that you should read for the exam if you are using the third edition of the book.Rextensive and covers many details. You can find reading instructions for 4th Edition summarizes the chapters that you should read for the exam if you are using the fourth edition of the booke different sections on the "Lectures" page.
Optional reading material Here you find pointers to some interesting review articles related to the course. Please note that the articles are subject of copyright rules, and the electronic copies are provided for your personal use only, you are not allowed to publish or redistribute them.
* B.M. Leiner, V.G. Cerf, D.D. Clark, R.E. Kahn, L. Kleinrock, D.C. Lynch, J. Postel, L.G. Roberts, S. Wolff, "A Brief History of the Internet", in ACM Computer Communication Review, 39(5), Oct. 200\ 9, pp. 22-31., [link] [pdf]
* Computer Networking: Princpiples, Protocols and Practice (an open-source networking textbook, under development) [link].
* C.A. Sunshine, Y.K. Dalal, "Connection Management in Transport Protocols", Computer Networks, Vol 2, No. 6, 1978, pp. 454-473 [link] [pdf]
* Y.-D. Lin, C.-C. Tseng, C.-Y. Ho, Y.-H. Wu, "How NAT-compatible are VoIP applications?", in IEEE Communications Magazine, 48(12), pp. 58-65., Dec. 2010. [link] [pdf].
* S. Iren, P.D. Amer, P.T. Conrad, "The Transport Layer: Tutorial and Survey", ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 31, No. 4, December 1999. [link] [pdf].
More to come...
Pehr Söderman redigerade 1 oktober 2013
There will be four lab sessions during the term. In order to get full credit for the course, students have to complete all labs. If you are not a D-student, you need to get access to the CSC computers for labs 3 and 4. You can get access at Delfi (see here) The lab rooms are located in the "Q" building at Osquldas väg 10, and Orange/Karmosin in the "E" building. Labs 1 and 2 are in the "Q" building. Labs 3 and 4 are in the "E" building. Each lab will take five hours. There will be a number of different lab occasions for each lab.
You can sign up for labs 1 and 2 here.You can sign up for labs 3 and 4 here.
Important: Note that there are preparation questions to the labs that you have to complete before the lab and you have to submit them at the beginning of the lab session.
There are make-up labs for those who do not complete a lab. Note that if you fail the lab then you will have to wait until the course is given next time.
* Lab 1 Intro and sniffer Location: B:230, Q building, Osquldas väg 10Ljubica Pajevic and Ognjen Vukovic. Lab manual is available here. The preparation questions can be found in the lab manual.
* Lab 2 TCP Location: B:230, Q building, Osquldas väg 10Ljubica Pajevic and Ognjen Vukovic. Lab manual will be available here. The preparation questions can be found in the lab manual.
* Lab 3 DNS Location: E-building, Grå or Gul (see schedule) Lab instructions are available here. The preparation questions can be found in the lab manualNote that you must complete the preparation questions in Moodle. Reference material for DNS lab: Bind manual
* Lab 4 Routing Location: D-building, Grå or Gul (see schedule) Lab instructions are available here. The preparation questions can be found in the lab manual.
* Make-up labs will be held in week 42 Register for the make-up lab here.
Pehr Söderman redigerade 1 oktober 2013
There will be four lab sessions during the term. In order to get full credit for the course, students have to complete all labs. If you are not a D-student, you need to get access to the CSC computers for labs 3 and 4. You can get access at Delfi (see here) The lab rooms are located in the "Q" building at Osquldas väg 10, and Orange/Karmosin in the "E" building. Labs 1 and 2 are in the "Q" building. Labs 3 and 4 are in the "E" building. Each lab will take five hours. There will be a number of different lab occasions for each lab.
You can sign up for labs 1 and 2 here.You can sign up for labs 3 and 4 here.
Important: Note that there are preparation questions to the labs that you have to complete before the lab and you have to submit them at the beginning of the lab session.
There are make-up labs for those who do not complete a lab. Note that if you fail the lab then you will have to wait until the course is given next time.
* Lab 1 Intro and sniffer Location: B:230, Q building, Osquldas väg 10Ljubica Pajevic and Ognjen Vukovic. Lab manual is available here. The preparation questions can be found in the lab manual.
* Lab 2 TCP Location: B:230, Q building, Osquldas väg 10Ljubica Pajevic and Ognjen Vukovic. Lab manual will be available here. The preparation questions can be found in the lab manual.
* Lab 3 DNS Location: E-building, Grå or Gul (see schedule) Lab instructions are available here. Note that you must complete the preparation questions in Moodle. Reference material for DNS lab: Bind manual
* Lab 4 Routing Location: D-building, Grå or Gul (see schedule) Lab instructions are available here. Note that you must complete the preparation questions in Moodle.
* Make-up labs will be held in week 42 Register for the make-up lab here.
Pehr Söderman redigerade 2 oktober 2013
There will be four lab sessions during the term. In order to get full credit for the course, students have to complete all labs. If you are not a D-student, you need to get access to the CSC computers for labs 3 and 4. You can get access at Delfi (see here) The lab rooms are located in the "Q" building at Osquldas väg 10, and Orange/Karmosin in the "E" building. Labs 1 and 2 are in the "Q" building. Labs 3 and 4 are in the "E" building. Each lab will take five hours. There will be a number of different lab occasions for each lab.
You can sign up for labs 1 and 2 here.You can sign up for labs 3 and 4 here.
Important: Note that there are preparation questions to the labs that you have to complete before the lab and you have to submit them at the beginning of the lab session.
There are make-up labs for those who do not complete a lab. Note that if you fail the lab then you will have to wait until the course is given next time.
* Lab 1 Intro and sniffer Location: B:230, Q building, Osquldas väg 10Ljubica Pajevic and Ognjen Vukovic. Lab manual is available here. The preparation questions can be found in the lab manual.
* Lab 2 TCP Location: B:230, Q building, Osquldas väg 10Ljubica Pajevic and Ognjen Vukovic. Lab manual will be available here. The preparation questions can be found in the lab manual.
* Lab 3 DNS Location: E-building, Grå or Gul (see schedule) Lab instructions are available here. Note that you must complete the preparation questions in Moodle. You log into moodle and show that you have completed the preparation questions at the start of the lab. The preparation questions are the same as for IK2218. Reference material for the DNS lab: Bind manual
* Lab 4 Routing Location: D-building, Grå or Gul (see schedule)Lab instructions are available here. Note that you must complete the preparation questions in Moodle.
* Make-up labs will be held in week 42 Register for the make-up lab here.
I take it that one only has to do the preparations questions in moodle? Not the ones in the lab manual then?
That is correct. You do not need to do the preparation questions in the lab instructions.
Hi Frej,
You will be provided with the adequate equipment (refer to Section 3 of the lab manual).
Ljubica, as far as I understand ttcp is needed to be able to do the entry test question number 4. (last page in the lab manual)
Correct. To answer that question, you simply need to write two commands and you can read about the usage of ttcp here.
Hi all,
Please note that today is the last day to register for the first lab and if you still haven't done that, please sign up. There are still some slots available for tomorrow's sessions (both the morning and the afternoon one). In case you need any help with the registration, write to ljubica@kth.se.
As i missed the registration for IK2218 de to an emergency can you please admit me into tomorrow's morning sesion(8'o clock),it would be of great help.
Only if there is space. Please contact Ljubica (lab assistant) or me via email.
Pehr Söderman redigerade 1 oktober 2013
There will be two lab sessions during the term. In order to get full credit for the course, students have to complete all labs. If you are not a D-student, you need to get access to the CSC computers for lab 2. You can get access at Delfi (see here) The lab rooms are located in the "Q" building at Osquldas väg 10, and Orange/Karmosin in the "E" building. Lab 1 is in the "Q" building. Lab 2 is in the "E" building. Each lab will take five hours. There will be a number of different lab occasions for each lab.
You can sign up for lab 1 here.You can sign up for lab 2 here.
Note that there are preparation questions to the labs that you have to complete before the lab and youhave tosubmit them at the beginning of the lab session.
There are make-up labs for those who do not complete a lab. Note that if you fail the lab then you will have to wait until the course is given next time.
* Lab 1: UDP and TCP Location: room B:230, Q building, Osquldas väg 10, floor 2Ljubica Pajevic and Ognjen Vukovic. The lab manual is available here. You find the preparation questions in the manual.
* Lab 2:3 DNS Location: E-building, Grå or Gul (see schedule) The lab manual will be posted here. You findLab instructions are available here. Note that you must complete the preparation questions in the manualMoodle. Reference material for DNS lab: Bind manual
* Make-up labs will be held in week 42 Register for the make-up lab here.
Pehr Söderman redigerade 2 oktober 2013
There will be two lab sessions during the term. In order to get full credit for the course, students have to complete all labs. If you are not a D-student, you need to get access to the CSC computers for lab 2. You can get access at Delfi (see here) The lab rooms are located in the "Q" building at Osquldas väg 10, and Orange/Karmosin in the "E" building. Lab 1 is in the "Q" building. Lab 2 is in the "E" building. Each lab will take five hours. There will be a number of different lab occasions for each lab.
You can sign up for lab 1 here.You can sign up for lab 2 here.
Note that there are preparation questions to the labs that you have to complete before the lab and youhave tosubmit them at the beginning of the lab session.
There are make-up labs for those who do not complete a lab. Note that if you fail the lab then you will have to wait until the course is given next time.
* Lab 1: UDP and TCP Location: room B:230, Q building, Osquldas väg 10, floor 2Ljubica Pajevic and Ognjen Vukovic. The lab manual is available here. You find the preparation questions in the manual.
* Lab 3 DNS Location: E-building, Grå or Gul (see schedule) Lab instructions are available here. Note that you must complete the preparation questions in Moodle. You log into moodle and show that you have completed the preparation questions at the start of the lab. Reference material for DNS lab: Bind manual
* Make-up labs will be held in week 42 Register for the make-up lab here.
when i log into moogle it says im not enrolled to this course. how do i make moogle recognize me.
You should be able to enrol when you go to the course page. Trying going here https://moodle.ssvl.kth.se/course/view.php?id=20 and see what happens.
oh. must've been really tired because searched everywhere yesterday but didnt find the enroll button.
Schemahandläggare redigerade 14 september 2013
[{'user_name': u'Peter Sj\xf6din\n', 'user_id': u'psj'}, {'user_name': u'Markus Hidell', 'user_id': u'mahidell'}, {'user_name': u'Gyorgy Dan', 'user_id': u'gyuri'}]
[u'IK2218H131', u'EP2120H131', u'EP2120H132']
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 14 december 2013
Schemahandläggare redigerade 14 september 2013
[{'user_name': u'Peter Sj\xf6din\n', 'user_id': u'psj'}, {'user_name': u'Markus Hidell', 'user_id': u'mahidell'}, {'user_name': u'Gyorgy Dan', 'user_id': u'gyuri'}]
[u'IK2218H131', u'EP2120H131', u'EP2120H132']
Are we allocated a single room or can we sit in any of the above mentioned rooms.