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Här visas ändringar i "Groups, rooms and group leaders" mellan 2017-03-11 19:44 av Viktoria Fodor och 2017-03-21 16:36 av Viktoria Fodor.

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Groups, rooms and group leaders


We have 3 seminar groups in this course. The groups are predefined by the teachers.

You canwill be able to find your group number under the sub-page Student list. You need to be logged in to KTH to see that page. The group numbers will be published on March 23 the latest.


You can find the seminar rooms in the schedule, in the sequence of the group numbers.

Group leaders

Group 1: Gunnar Karlsson (gk at kth.se)

Group 2: György Dán (gyuri at kth.se)

Group 3: Viktoria Fodor (vfodor at kth.se)