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Course information

EL2620 Nonlinear control

Nonlinear Control treats the analysis and synthesis of nonlinear control systems. It is a 7,5 credits course given in the second quarter (lp2), Fall 2012.

Instructors: Course responsible and lectures: Elling W Jacobsen jacobsen@ee.kth.se

Teaching assistant: Martin Andreasson mandreas@kth.se

Teaching assistant: Farhad Farokhi farokhi@ee.kth.se

Course administration: Hanna Holmqvist hanna.holmqvist@ee.kth.se

STEX: Course material, homework, exams etc. stex@ee.kth.se

The course consists of three main parts: an analysis part presenting the theoretical foundation; a design part introducing important control design methods; and a part dealing with other nonlinear control methods. The outline of the course is as follows:

* Introduction: nonlinear models and nonlinear phenomena, computer simulation (L1-L2)
* Feedback analysis: linearization, stability theory, describing function (L3-L6)
* Control design: compensation, high-gain design, Lyapunov methods (L7-L10)
* Alternative methods: gain scheduling, optimal control, neural networks, fuzzy control (L11-L13)
* Summary (L14)
Literature Lecture notes and exercises can be bought at STEX. The package costs 120 kronor. They are also made available on the homepage under "Course Material".

Highly recommended textbook is Khalil, H. K., Nonlinear Systems (3rd ed., 2002, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-067389-7). The book is available at Kårbokhandeln.

It will however be possible to follow the course without Khalil. Some other textbooks that might be useful are (in order of increasing mathematical level) Glad, T., and Ljung, L., Reglerteori, flervariabla och olinjara metoder (1997, Studentlitteratur, ISBN 91-44-00472-9); Slotine, J.-J., and Li,W., Applied Nonlinear Control (1991, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-040049-1); Sastry, S., Nonlinear Systems: Analysis, Stability and Control (1999, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 0-38-798513-1); and Vidyasagar, M., Nonlinear Systems Analysis (1993, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-623513-1).

Schedule The schedule is given below. A link to the official schedule can be found to the right.

Lectures Lecture notes are sold by STEX. Minor changes to these will be made during the course and the updated notes will be posted under the menu item "Course Material" as they become available. Page numbers refer to Khalil, 3rd ed.

LecDayDate/TimePlaceContents 1 Mon 131104, 15-17 Q36 Introduction: nonlinear problems and phenomena. [pp 1-23,87-95] 2 Wed 131106, 15-17 Q34 Simulation in Simulink. 3 Mon 131111, 15-17 Q36 Linearisation, phase-plane analysis, equilibria, oscillations. [35-54,54-59,111-113,133-135,139] 4 Wed 131113, 13-15 Q36 Stability theory: Lyapunov methods. [pp 113-133,135-144] 5 Mon 131118, 15-17 Q36 Stability theory: input-output methods. [pp 263-275,209-210,217-219,227-229] 6 Wed 131120, 15-17 Q36 Describing function analysis. [pp 280-289] 7 Tue 131126, 13-15 Q34 Compensation for saturation (anti-windup) and friction. 8 Thu 131128, 13-15 Q36 Compensation for back-lash and quantization. 9 Tue 131203, 13-15 Q36 High-gain design methods: linearization by high gain and sliding modes. [pp 551-563] 10 Thu 131205, 13-15 Q31 Nonlinear observers, Lyapunov design methods, and feedback linearization. [pp 469-478,505-509,589-597] 11 Tue 131210, 15-17 Q36 Gain scheduling and nonlinear controllability. [pp 485-489,496-499] 12 Thu 131212, 13-15 V34 Optimal control. 13 Mon 131216, 15-17 Q36 Neural networks and fuzzy control. [pp 14-16,131-133] 14 Wed 131218, 13-15 V34 Course summary and the future. Exercises An Exercise compendium can be purchased at STEX (can also be found under "Course Material" on the main course homepage.). Here are the exercises we are doing in class.

Exercise/ListDayDate/TimePlaceIn classSuggested 1 Tue 131105, 13-15 Q36 1.1, 1.2, 1.6, 1.7 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 2 Thu 131107, 13-15 XQ23, XQ25 Computer ex 2.1-2.5 3 Tue 131112, 13-15 Q34 3.1a,b, 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 4.5a 3.1, 3.2,3.3,3.6,3.8, 3.9 4 Thu 131114, 13-15 V32 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5b, 4.7, 4.8 4.4, 4.6, 4.9, 4.10 5 Tue 131119, 13-15 Q33 Review of Lyapunov and LaSalle theorems, examples, 4.7, 4.8 6 Thu 131121, 13-15 Q36 5.4, 5.5, 5.8, 5.10, 5.11 (5.6) 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.7, 5.9 7 Wed 131127, 13-15 Q36 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.6, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 6.3, .6.5, 6.8 8 Mon 131202, 15-17 Q34 8.1a,c, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.7 8.1d, 8.5, 8.6 9 Wed 131204, 15-17 Q31 9.2, 9.3, 9.5, 9.6 9.1, 9.4 10 Mon 131209, 15-17 XQ23, XQ25 Computer ex 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 11 Wed 131211, 13-15 Q33 11.1, 11.2, 11.6, 11.9 11.3,11.4,11.5, 11.7,11.8 12 Fri 131213, 10-12 Q34 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.7 12.5, 12.6, 11.11 13 Tue 131217, 15-17 Q31 13.1, 13.2, 13.3 13.4-9 14 Thu 131219, 13-15 Q34 An old exam wil be reviewed 15 Fri 131220, 10-12 Q36 Questions to prepare for the exam Homework There are three compulsory homework assignments, all given in the Excercise compendium (HW1-3)

The homework solutions need to be well motivated and clearly written. Instructions are given in the Exercise compendium. Under "Course Material" you will find a template for the reports.

The solutions should be handed in through BILDA (available from early november)

You are expected to do the homeworks in groups of two (more than two students per group will not be accepted)

Deadlines will be announced later.

* HW1:
* HW2:
* HW3:
Deadlines are hard. We will not accept any delays in handing in reports or reviews.

Computer Accounts Computer accounts will only be created for students formally registered for the course. Be sure to sign the sign-up sheets at one of the first lectures. Only after your registration is recorded in Ladok by the course administration an account be will created.

Software Matlab and Simulink are extensively used in the course. To draw phase planes with Matlab, use the programs DFIELD and PPLANE developed at Rice University, see the link below (note the Java version, which you can run through your web browser). See also the built-in Matlab command dee (differential equation editor).

You will also need the typesetting language TeX/LaTeX to write your reports. Instructions on how to install this are given in the exercise compendium.


Exam The exam takes place on december 18th 2014, 14-19, in V32, V33, V34. It is a regular written exam with five problems. You may bring the lecture notes from this course, a mathematics handbook, and the course book from the basic control course (EL1000 or EL1110). No other material is allowed (nonlinear textbook, exercises, calculators etc.).

The problems of the exams roughly follow the style of the examples found in the course material.

You need to sign up for the exam at least two weeks in advance, using "My Pages" (eller "Mina sidor")

www.kth.se/student/studok?l=en_UK (English)

www.kth.se/student/studok/anmalan-till-tentamen-via-mina-sidor-1.56216 (svenska)

Course Evaluation At the end of the course, please fill in the course evaluation.

More Information For more information, please contact the instructors or see the Study Handbook.

* Exam registration
* Course evaluation