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Version skapad av Hanna Holmqvist 2013-02-06 14:52

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Course information

period 4, 12/13

Course objectives

The aim of this course is to provide the basic theory required for solving complex control problems. The course presents theory and methodology for analysis and modelling of systems and signals, and methods for design and synthesis of feedback controllers. Special emphasis is placed on:

  • Control of systems with multiple inputs and outputs
  • Fundamental limitations for control performance
  • Sensitivity and robustness in feedback systems
  • Synthesis of controllers through optimization
  • Predictive control with constraints


Mikael Johansson: Lectures

Håkan Terelius, Computer exercises and labs

Olle Trollberg, Computer exercises and labs

Hanna Holmqvist, administrator

Course litterature and software

The course follows the book:

Torkel Glad and Lennart Ljung; Control Theory - Multivariable and Nonlinear Methods, Taylor and Francis Ltd, ISBN 0748408789 (Swedish version: T. Glad and L. Ljung; Reglerteori, flervariabla och olinjära metoder, Studentliteratur, 2:a upplagan, ISBN 91-44-03003-7)

Additional course material (mostly in English)

  • Exercises
  • Solutions
  • Computer exercises and laboratory project

is sold at STEX, at the entrance level of Osquldas väg 10.

The following material contains high-quality supplementary reading:

  • Skogestad, S. och Postlethwaite, I.: Multivariable Feedback Control, Analysis and Design, John Wiley & Sons, 1996
  • Åström, K.J. och Wittenmark, B.: Computer Controlled Systems, Theory and Design, 3rd ed, Prentice Hall, 1997
  • Goodwin, G.C., Graebe, S.F. och Salgado M.E.: Control System Design, Prentice Hall 2001
  • Maciejowski, J.M.: Predictive Control with Constraints, Prentice-Hall, 2002.

Matlab is available in most of the computer rooms in KTH. Under Linux, you need to write module add matlab to be able to start Matlab. A student version of Matlab is available for use at home via KTH Program Distribution.


The course consists of 14 lectures and 8 exercise sessions. In addition, four compulsory computer exercises and a compulsory laboratory project form part of the course. Grading is based on a 5-hour written final exam.


Note: The schedule is preliminary. Although the dates are fixed, some lecture content might be changed or shifted around.


Lec 1 Mon March 19 13 - 15 Q2 Introduction; Signal norms and system gains, small gain theorem Textbook: Ch 1
Lec 2 Wed March 21 10 - 12 M3 The closed-loop system Textbook: Ch 6
Lec 3 Mon March 26 13 - 15 Q2 Robustness
Lec 4 Thur March 29 13 - 15 Q2 Limitations and conflicts Textbook: Ch 7
Lec 5 Tues April 10 15 - 17 V3 Loop shaping revisited
Lec 6 Wed April 18 10 - 12 Q2 Multivariable loop shaping Textbook: Ch 7, 8
Lec 7 Mon April 23 13 - 15 Q2 Multivariable systems Textbook: Ch 2-3
Lec 8 Thur April 26 10 - 12 Q2 Linear-quadratic control Textbook: Ch 9
Lec 9 Thur May 3 08 - 10 Q31 Design example and relation to H2
Lec 10 Fri May 4 13 - 15 Q2 Decentralized control and decoupling Textbook: Ch 10
Lec 11 Tues May 8 10 - 12 Q2 Glover Mc Farlane and controller order reduction Textbook: Ch 10
Lec 12 Mon May 14 13 - 15 V3 Dealing with hard constraints Textbook: Ch 16
Lec 13 Tues May 22 10 - 12 V3 Model-predictive control Textbook: Ch 16
Lec 14 Thur May 24 13 - 15 V3 Summary and review


There is one ordinary exercise group. In addition, since the hours for the exercises conflict with other courses for some students, we offer one Q & A session per week where students can come and get help with the exercises. For the Q&A sessions you are expected to go through the exercise notes before coming to the Q & A session to get help with the parts you find difficult. Notes from the exercises will be available through the course homepage at least 24 h before the Q&A session.

The numbers indicated for the exercise sessions in the column "References" refer to problems in the 2011 edition of the exercise compendium.


Group ATimePlaceReferencesAt home
Ex 1 Thur March 22, 10-12 D42 7.9, 7.10
Ex 2 Fri March 30, 10-12 D41 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.5, 2.3 1.3,
Ex 3 Wed April 11, 10-12 E36 3.12, 3.32, 7.3 3.15, 3.30
Ex 4 Fri April 20, 10-12 D41 6.5, 7.17, 7.18, 7.19, 8.2 7.14, 8.1
Ex 5 Tues April 24, 10-12 Q26 9.3, 9.7ab, 9.9a 9.1, 9.2
Ex 6 Wed May 2, 10-12 Q26 10.3, 10.4
Ex 7 Mon May 11, 10-12 Q26 6.2, 7.1, 7.2
Ex 8 Tues May 15, 10-12 Q26 3.2, 4.1, 16.2, 16.4,

Question and Answer Sessions for Exercises (mainly for those who can not make the ordinary exercises).

Group BTimePlaceReferences
Q&A 1 Fri March 30, 13-15 D41 Ex 1, Ex 2, Lab 1
Q&A 2 Fri April 20, 13-15 E35 Ex 3, Ex 4, Lab 2
Q&A 3 Wed May 2, 13-15 Q26 Ex 5, Ex 6, Lab 3
Q&A 4 Mon May 11, 13-15 Q17 Ex 7
Q&A 5 Wed May 16, 10-12 V21 Ex 8, Lab 4

Computer exercises

The computer exercises are to be solved using Matlab in groups of two students. A written report for computer exercise 1 and 3 are to be handed in by 120410 and 120504, respectively. Computer exercises 2 and 4 are reported by filling in a short form (which can be downloaded below) which should be handed in no later than 120424 and 120514, respectively. All reports and forms should be handed in to STEX.

A printed version of the computer exercises is sold at STEX. PDF versions of the computer exercises, and associated Matlab-files are found below.

Students can go to the exercise group that they prefer (no assignment of groups).

Computer exercises - Group A

No.ContentExerciseReport Deadline
1 Wed March 28 10-12 XQ23 Loop shaping Lab 1 120410
2 Tues April 17 10-12 XQ23 MIMO, RGA, decentralized control Lab 2 120424
3 Fri April 27 10-12 XQ23 H_inf control, robustness Lab 3 120504
4 Mon May 7 10-12 XQ23 Decoupling, Robust Loop Shaping Lab 4 120514

Computer exercises - Group B

No.ContentExerciseReport Deadline
1 Wed March 28 13-15 XQ23 Loop shaping Lab 1 120410
2 Wed April 18 10-12 XQ23 MIMO, RGA, decentralized control Lab 2 120424
3 Fri April 27 13-15 XQ23 H_inf control, robustness Lab 3 120504
4 Mon May 7 13-15 XQ23 Decoupling, Robust Loop Shaping Lab 4 120514


The laboratory project considers a multivariable process whose properties can be modified to display a wide range of dynamical properties. The project is performed in groups of 4 students in the Control lab, A:225, Osquldas väg 10, level 2.

Registration for the laboratory is available from 120321 through the course home page. The registration system will close 120418. Those students who have not managed to form a group of four students prior to registration should register for a time and a process that some other group (with less than four students) have registered for. Note that you will need to book the same lab process (e.g., A) on both occasions. Written projects should be handed in to STEX no later than 120522. The report should present the results in a systematic and concise manner.


The exam is scheduled for Tuesday, May 29, 14.00-19.00. You will need to register for the exam using the exam registration system in KTH student web pages, "My Pages". You are allowed to bring the following material to the exam: the course book for EL2520 (advanced course) and EL1000/1110/1120 (basic course), copies of slides from this year’s lectures, mathematical tables and pocket calculator. Note that exercise materials (ovningsuppgifter, ex-tentor och losningar) are NOT allowed.