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Den hållbara ingenjören i systemteknik

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This course is compulsory for Systems, Control and Robotics master students. The short version of the course, EL2221, is intended for students following only one year of the master program (DD, Erasmus, etc.). Note that KTH-students on exchange need to follow  EL2220 also when they are abroad, see details on Canvas.

The aim of the course is to discuss and reflect on key issues of the role of engineers in the society; the role of technology in achieving economically, socially and ecologically sustainable development; and the scientific, social and ethical aspects of research and development.

The course is spread over two years, that is, eight periods.  Each period covers a different topic.  The main topics of the course are:  study skills, the role of technology and the role of engineers in the society, social and ethical aspects, our responsibility for how technology is used, the international labor market, culture and communication.

General information

The course follows the Policy for handling plagiarism in KTH.  http://intra.kth.se/en/regelverk/policyer/policy-for-hantering-av-plagiering-inom-kths-utbildning-1.61391. All attempts to  plagiarism (including copying reflections) are reported to the School Board.


As of the autumn term 2013, KTH will have centralized administration of exams for students with any kind of handicap, who have the right to any individualized situation for examination.

If you have any questions concerning this service, or your exam, please contact:

Towe Breidenstein

Brinellvägen 8
Mail tow@kth.se
Tel 08-7906178
