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Version skapad av Cristian Rojas 2016-01-09 11:01

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Course information


Cristian Rojas (teacher and course responsible): cristian.rojas@ee.kth.se

Patricio Valenzuela (teaching assistant): pva@kth.se

Afrooz Ebadat (teaching assistant): ebadat@kth.se

Niclas Blomberg (teaching assistant): nibl@kth.se

STEX (student services, course material, course registration etc.): stex@ee.kth.se  08-790 9086


Lecture notes and other material will be made available online.
The course literature contains two parts, which can be purchased at STEX:

  • L. Ljung and T. Glad, Modelling of Dynamic Systems, draft of 2nd Edition (in English). If you find any errors, please report them here.
  • Two compendiums:
    • Exercises and Solutions,
    • Lab instructions and Computer exercises.
  • For those of you that have compendiums from 2011, you can download an ERRATA here, and check the Laboratory Exercises for updated versions of the Lab instructions.
  • A supplement for the second part of the course, on system identification, is T. Söderström and P. Stoica, System Identification, Prentice Hall, 1989, in particular Chaps. 1-5 (note: the course does not follow this book; it is just complementary reading). This book is available at: http://user.it.uu.se/~ts/sysidbook.pdf


The course consist of three main parts: principles for physical modelling, simulation and system identification. The outline of the course is as follows:

  • Introduction (L1)
  • Physical modeling (L1-L4)
  • Simulation (L5)
  • System Identification (L6-L11)
  • Summary (L12)


Registration for the course normally closes before the course starts, and it should be done through "Mina sidor / My pages"; it is not done automatically by getting into an MSc programme. If you could not register on time, please contact STEX. Note that being "registered" in the course is not the same as being "accepted / antagen" in the course.

Further information

For further information, please contact the instructors or see the Study handbook.