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Version skapad av Lars Jonsson 2019-01-14 07:41

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Course Material

Material 2018:

Register: Make sure to register on the course online.


Week 1: all tasks in Chapter 1 & 2 together with the tasks below

Exercise 1.2: Pick a homogeneous solution u to Laplace equation and show by direct substitution that G_P + u is a solution to eqn. 1.2.

Exercise 2.A: Starting from eqn 2.3 with f=a  F, and g=G, reformulate Gauss second theorem (eqn 2.3) into an expression \(\mathbf{a}\cdot \int_V\)\(\ldots dV\)\(\mathbf{a}\cdot \int_S \ldots dS\) to show that it also gives eqn 2.18. 

Exercises solved and handed in no later than at the class on Monday the 22:nd will be graded with up to 2p per task. Readable handwritten papers are fine. 

Week 2: Chapter 3, 4 and Appendix A. Due on 29th of January, per email or at first class in the week. 

Note that the HWP 1 is distributed. We will have a 'status check' with possibilities to ask questions the 1:st of February. Please work through HWP 1 as far as possible, to figure out what kind of questions you have. 

Typos in the book:

p4: Exercise 1.2: Pick a homogeneous solution u and show by direct substitution that G_P + u is a solution to eqn. 1.2.

eqn 4.28 \(\psi \rightarrow \Sigma_m\)

p38 after §5.3: \(\nabla\times(F_\ell Y_{\ell,m})\rightarrow \nabla \times \mathbf{L}(F_\ell Y_{\ell,m})\)
eqn 6.31: \(\hat{\mathbf{n}}_+\times (\mathbf{E}^i+\mathbf{E}^s)=0 \ \Rightarrow \hat{\mathbf{n}}_+\times \mathbf{H}^i =\hat{\mathbf{n}}_+\times \mathbf{H}^s\)

p78 .3of the page from the top: The correct expression for the Riccati-Bessel function in matlab is: RB=@(n,x) sqrt(pi*x/2).*besselj(n+0.5,x)

Appendix A eqn A.42 Sqrt[15]->Sqrt[5]

Kurs pm 2018 for Electromagnetic Wave Propagation and Scattering, EI2420

Litterature: Jonsson + Ström Electromagnetic wave propagation and scattering, 2019. (Available at STEX for 150SEK).


References are to chapters are to Jonsson + Ström.

15/1 Green’s functions and introduction to integral equations §1
18/1 Cherenkov radiation. Integral representation, bounded domain and exterior domain §2,
22/1 Integral representation exterior domain continued and Equivalent surface currents §3, §4 Room: Gustaf Dahlander (GD) Teknikringen 31 (alternatively the entrance close to Ellab)
25/1 Representation of far-fields. Expansion as vector multipole fields: §4, Appendix A,  Room: Greta Woxen GW, Teknikringen 31
29/2 Appendix A cont. and Expansion as vector multipole fields, §5 GD
1/2 Multipoles cont. and Reflection antenna, HWP discussion §5 GD
5/2 §5.7 + Geometric optics, physical optics, time for repetition §6 GD
8/2 §6.3 and Scattering of a PEC sphere §7 GD
12/2 Scattering of dielectric sphere + Radar cross section. §8-§9 
15/2 Radar-Cross section con't §9 Null-field method -§10 
19/2  Null-field Method §10.3-10.4, HWP discussion 
23/2 10.5- The null-field method: acoustic case §10  
26/2 The null-field method: Electromagnetic case §11 
28/2 §11 + Scattering by integral methods  §12   
5/3 Time domain Green’s function §14, §15 + HWP discussion. 
15/3 Exam


Homework problems 2018

There are three home-work problems (HWP). Each assignment is typically a smaller design task or deeper exploration of some result. There exists several predefined HWPs, but if a student wants to do a subject related or article related problem in the area, discuss it with Lars during the week of the hand out of the problem.  

(preliminary dates will be updated before start of course)

  • HWP 1 hand out 25/1. Due Monday 5/2. 
  • HWP 2 hand out 5/2. Due Monday 19/2.
  • HWP 3 hand out 19/2. Due 5/3.

The deadline is sharp, and HWP delivered before the deadline will each be graded with 0-100 points.The report is to be written using a word processor, e.g. Latex or Word or similar and organize as follows:

  • Describe your analysis/solution. Refer to the course literature or HWP information when appropriate
  • Give a brief description about the numerical treatment. Comment on the figures and tables that have been inserted into the text
  • Attach your numerical code.

The reports shall be emailed to me according to the deadlines above.  The grading of the assignments will be based on the degree of activity, creativity and understanding as they appear from the report. The work is an individual work. Upon request you can be requested to present part of your result.


To each chapter there are a set of exercises giving 1-2 points depending on size, all in all there are 59 possible exercises. The exercises of the week are due on first lecture of next week. I.e. the Exercises of chapter 1-3 are due arriving to the class the 22/1 and similarly each week. This information is updated weakly. 


To pass the course one needs a minimum of 300 credits, from HWP and Exercises giving an E. If one has 350 or more corresponds to a D. For higher grades there an exam, depending on the number of students the exam can either be verbal or written. If it is fewer students than five that want to write the exam we make the exam verbal.  

Course responsible, and examiner, Lars Jonsson, 08-790 7732, email ei2420@ee.kth.se

The student office STEX: At STEX you can buy the book, and get the exam etc. email: stex@ee.kth.se ; tel: 08 790 9086

Courseinformation: Current information during the course will appear on KTH canvas under the course EI2420.