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Vecka 36 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 2 sep 13:00-15:00 Lecture #1 Introduction
HT 2014
Lektion Lärare: Lars Nordström

Welcome to the first lecture. This lecture, as for all lectures in the course will be held in the Cegrellroom, at Osquldas väg 10, floor 7.

Lecture slides can be downloaded here.

Also, please check out this clip from Michael Wooldridge

Tors 4 sep 13:00-15:00 Lecture #2 Agents & Reasoning
HT 2014
Lektion Lärare: Lars Nordström

This lecture covers the idea of autonomous intelligent agents.

The lecture slides can be downloaded here.

Vecka 37 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 8 sep 10:00-12:00 Lecture #3 Java introduction
HT 2014
Lektion Lärare: Lars Nordström

This lecture is actually a workshop at which an introduction to Java programming. It provides an opportunity to test your skills so that you can determine if you need to attend the voluntary sessions later in the week.

Ons 10 sep 10:00-12:00 Cancelled - Lecture #4
HT 2014
Lektion Lärare: Lars Nordström

This lecture is cancelled.

Vecka 38 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 15 sep 10:00-12:00 Lecture #4 Practical Reasoning and hybrid agents
HT 2014
Lektion Lärare: Lars Nordström

This lecture covers practical reasoning agents, and also a brief overview of Hybrid agents.

The lecture slides can be downloaded here.

Tors 18 sep 08:00-12:00 Computer lab - JACK programming
HT 2014
Datorlaboration Lärare: Arshad Saleem

First JACK programming session.

Vecka 39 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 22 sep 10:00-12:00 Lecture #5 Searching & Planning
HT 2014
Lektion Lärare: Lars Nordström

This lecture introduces searching and planning as a method for Agent decision making.

The lecture slides can be downloaded here.

Fre 26 sep 08:00-12:00 Computer lab - JACK programming
HT 2014
Datorlaboration Lärare: Arshad Saleem

Second JACK programming session.

Vecka 40 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 29 sep 13:00-15:00 Lecture #6 Constraint Satisfaction Problems & Communication
HT 2014
Lektion Lärare: Lars Nordström

As usual, this lecture is in the Cegrellroom.

Unfortunately (due to my poor planning) the lecture will only be 45 minutes long, starting at 13.15 as usual, but ending already at 14.00.

The lecture slides can be downloaded here, during the lecture I will cover the CSP part, and will have to leave the rest for you to read up on in the textbook.

Tors 2 okt 08:00-12:00 Computer lab - JACK programming
HT 2014
Datorlaboration Lärare: Arshad Saleem

Third JACK programming session.

Vecka 41 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 6 okt 13:00-15:00 Lecture #7 - Describing planning problems
HT 2014
Lektion Lärare: Lars Nordström

Lecture slides can be downloaded Lecture 7.

Ons 8 okt 13:00-17:00 Computer lab - JACK programming
HT 2014
Datorlaboration Lärare: Arshad Saleem

Fourth JACK programming session.

Vecka 42 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 13 okt 10:00-12:00 Lecture #8 - Design methodology for Smartgrids
HT 2014
Lektion Lärare: Lars Nordström

This lecture will be used to catch-up on the parts of Multi-agent interactions that were let out because of rescheduling earlier.

The lecture slides can be found here..

Ons 15 okt 08:00-12:00 Computer lab - JACK programming
HT 2014
Datorlaboration Lärare: Arshad Saleem

Fifth JACK programming session.

Tors 16 okt 13:00-17:00 Seminar - presentation of reading assignment
HT 2014
Seminarium Lärare: Lars Nordström

During the seminar, the reading assignment is presented.

Each student presents the paper he/she has studied and the findings are discussed.

Vecka 45 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 4 nov 10:00-12:00 Lecture #9 - Project introduction
HT 2014
Lektion Lärare: Lars Nordström

Lecture slides can be found here: Lecture 9 slides

Ons 5 nov 13:00-17:00 Project - Time allocated for working on project
HT 2014
Datorlaboration Lärare: Arshad Saleem
Tors 6 nov 08:00-12:00 Project - Time allocated for working on project
HT 2014
Projektarbete Lärare: Arshad Saleem
Vecka 46 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tors 13 nov 08:00-12:00 Project - Time allocated for working on project
HT 2014
Projektarbete Lärare: Arshad Saleem
Fre 14 nov 08:00-12:00 Project - Time allocated for working on project
HT 2014
Projektarbete Lärare: Arshad Saleem
Vecka 47 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tors 20 nov 08:00-12:00 Project - Time allocated for working on project
HT 2014
Projektarbete Lärare: Arshad Saleem

Download the PDDL workshop material here: PDDL Workshop

Fre 21 nov 08:00-12:00 Project - Time allocated for working on project
HT 2014
Projektarbete Lärare: Arshad Saleem
Vecka 48 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 24 nov 13:00-15:00 Cancelled - Guest lecture - Speaker TBD
HT 2014
Lektion Lärare: Lars Nordström

The planned guest lecture on November 24th is cancelled. We still have hopes of arranging something later in december - stay tuned.


Tors 27 nov 13:00-17:00 Project - Time allocated for working on project
HT 2014
Projektarbete Lärare: Arshad Saleem
Fre 28 nov 13:00-17:00 Project - Time allocated for working on project
HT 2014
Projektarbete Lärare: Arshad Saleem
Vecka 49 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tors 4 dec 08:00-12:00 Project - Time allocated for working on project
HT 2014
Projektarbete Lärare: Arshad Saleem
Fre 5 dec 08:00-12:00 Project - Time allocated for working on project
HT 2014
Projektarbete Lärare: Arshad Saleem
Vecka 50 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 9 dec 10:00-12:00 Guest lecture - Kai Heussen
HT 2014
Lektion Lärare: Lars Nordström

For this lecture we will be visited by Kai Heussen of DTO who will be giving a speech on demand response and flexibility in distribution grids. The speech starts at 10.15 and runs for 45 minutes until 11.00 - Welcome!


For many, active distribution grids and smart girds are synonymous. However, the vision for active distribution grids is one of incremental automation, where increased transparency in measurements is used in combination with more active control of local devices, such as OLTCs, SVC or FACTS. Here a previously "passive" distribution grid is turned into and 'active' one.
For others, smart grids have been synonymous with smart metering and demand response, where the frequent metering of consumers, combined with some form of feedback through prices would turn 'passive consumers' into 'active prosumers'.

Using demand response for handling distribution grid issues is thus not trivial, as both the complexities of demand response, flexibility aggregation and management, and the aspect of more active distribution grids are integrated. 
The Danish iPower project recently demonstrated an approach to addressing this challenge: the FLExibility ClearingHouse (FLECH). As a market-oriented approach FLECH facilitates transactions and clearing of distribution grid flexibility services. Providing a framework for multiple the technical realizations of flexibility services to FLECH adapts to the capability level of DSOs and aggregators.

This talk will introduce the FLECH concept in context of distribution grid operations, as well as different types of distribution grid services that may be facilitated by FLECH. After this introduction and results from a recent demonstration, we turn to discussing a mapping of FLECH and DSO services to the smart grid architecture model as well as possible realizations using an agent based implementation.

Short bio of Prof Heussen

Kai Heussen (Assistant Professor; M’2007 Uni. Stuttgart, PhD’2011 DTU) is currently engaged in several research projects on demand side management, modeling and ancillary service markets, and lead the project RTLabOS on software for  simulation-integrated smart grid labs. With a background in control theory and power systems, he currently focusses on decision support for automation in power systems. His research addresses the cross-section of knowledge-based approaches in information technology and automation engineering, with application focus on operation of electric power system and planning of energy systems.


Tors 11 dec 08:00-12:00 Project - Time allocated for working on project
HT 2014
Projektarbete Lärare: Arshad Saleem
Fre 12 dec 08:00-12:00 Project - Time allocated for working on project
HT 2014
Projektarbete Lärare: Arshad Saleem
Vecka 51 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 15 dec 08:00-12:00 Project - Time allocated for working on project
HT 2014
Projektarbete Lärare: Arshad Saleem
Tis 16 dec 08:00-12:00 Project - Time allocated for working on project
HT 2014
Projektarbete Lärare: Arshad Saleem
Fre 19 dec 08:00-12:00 Project presentation
HT 2014
Redovisning Lärare: Lars Nordström

Presentation of projects.

The session starts 09.15