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On this website you will find pointers to everything you need to know and do in the course. We will keep updating the site as the course progresses. You can navigate on the course site using the left side menu.
We are no more using Bilda as a secondary learning system, but a new one called Canvas. The Canvas environment is still in pilot mode, but we hope to make the transfer as painless as possible.
A note about the Canvas registration from the people responsible:
During LP2 2016 students must register using Ladok on the web https://www.kth.se/student/minasidor/registreringar in order to access their courses in Canvas. It can take up to 24 hours from the course registration until the account is enabled in Canvas. If the student is re-registered on the course they won't get automatic access (this will be changed in coming releases) so please send us an e-mail and we will add the student manually!
If you have questions about the course, you are welcome to contact us. Before contacting us please first check the course syllabus and FAQ on Social for answers. The one and only contact email is: kvalitet@ics.kth.se.
We hope you enjoy the course!