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Version skapad av Yalin Huang 2015-10-09 09:16

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Project description

An investor would like to investigate the options for the most profitable wind power investment. He asks different teams to perform pre-feasibility studies for different wind power projects. For more information please click Wind Power Project and Lec_project.

Click the following links to download the file with all wind data and the file which can assist you in reading the data.

Wind data(.mat file)

Read data(.m file)

Project deliverables should be submitted through the course web page on KTH Social. Please click “Assignments” in the menu to the left to view the deadline for each submission.

A team presentation of 10–15 minutes, which will be held on Monday December 14, 10-12, 2015. The presentation will be followed by questions from the audience, and the reviewer team.