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Här visas ändringar i "Project" mellan 2015-09-16 12:26 av Yalin Huang och 2015-10-02 07:35 av Yalin Huang.

Visa < föregående | nästa > ändring.


We are forming the groups for the project now. If you have not registered on the internal list. Please do that. You can access the link here as wellProject description¶

An investor would like to investigate the options for the most profitable wind power investment. He asks different teams to perform pre-feasibility studies for different wind power projects. For more information please click wind power project.¶

Click the following links to download the file with all wind data and the file which can assist you in reading the data.¶

Wind data(.mat file)¶

Read data(.m file)¶

Reports should be submitted through the course web page on KTH Social. Choose “Submission project” below “Assignments” in the menu to the left. From this page you can upload your report latest Monday December 7, 2015, noon (12.00)