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Template for status reporting

To hand in status reports to your supervisor every second week is recommended. If your supervisor does not give you any other instructions youe email the reports to your supervisor. If you have more than one supervisor, do not forget to email them all. These status reports are discussed with your supervisor in the meetings that you hold. A good staus report will not only keep your supervisor updated but also help keep you on track with your project. For more information check out: http://www.kth.se/en/ees/utbildning/thesisproject/examensarbete‐ee‐1.3316

A template for status reporting you find here.

A status report includes the following:¶ • Basic information: Name and date the report. State which weeks the status report isfor and be sure to include the project title. Write down the starting and ending date ofthe project• Completed tasks: List the tasks that you finished in bullet points.• To do: List the next tasks that you will take on. Try to estimate how long each taskwill take.• Changes in time plan: Here you communicate if there have been any adjustments ofthe time plan• Issues comments: Clarify any need for guidance or help. Write down your list ofquestions that you want to discuss with your supervisor and need guidance for.