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Course development

Course development describes how the course functions today and how it is developed. Here youYou will find year-by-year compilations of course designs and analyses of these. Two main parts are: Course data & Course analysis and Course PM.

Course data & Course analysis Här hittar du viktiga kMain course data, are provided here, for exeampelvis ansvarig lärarele responsible teacher, föor vilka kursen ges, antalet studenterwhich students the course is given, number of students taking the course, examinationsgra rate and och förändringar som gjortsanges that have been made. Föor obligatoriska kurser beskrivs även hur kursen anpassas till utbildningsprogrammet vad gälcompulsory courses, the contact with the education programme regarding for exampler CDIO eller andra moment.¶ Du kan också hitta kor other skills is detailed. ¶

You also find co
urse analyser där kursansvarig lärare diskuterar hur ks where the responsible teacher discusses how the coursen fungerar utifrån kursenkäter, kursnämndsmöten och/eller andra erfarenheter under kursens gång. Förslag till förändringar inför nästa kursomgång ges också.ctions in the perspective of course questionnaires, course committee meetings, and/or other experiences during the course offering. Suggestions for course modifications and development are also given.

Course PM (history) These documents describe how the course has been designed each year. They provide a more detailed picture than the Course Plan (where you find course aim and contents).