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Version skapad av Jarmo Laaksolahti 2017-12-18 18:26

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Student Conference 2017


From Science Fiction to Science Fact

When: 19th of December 2017, 9 - 12.

Where: E2 and E3

The conference is the conclusion to the Advanced Project Course in Interactive Media Technology. In the course students have been engaged in small research projects together with staff at the CSC school. The projects represent a diverse range of topics including

  • "Representing 3D objects in 2D space"
  • "Designing and prototyping a pee-dometer"
  • "Micro-timings in recordings of Jazz ensembles"
  • "Interacting with trees"
  • "Designing for the dynamics of Energy Practices"
  • "New interactions for womens health"
  • "Digital mindfulness".

And many more!

During the conference students will present their work and results in two parallell tracks in lecture halls E2 and E3. Each track is divided into three sessions with a short break in between sessions. The conference starts at 9 sharp.

Program (Download conference schedule)

9:00 Session 1 & 2 in E2, E3

Three projects per session will be presented. 10 minute presentation, 5 minutes for questions.

9:45 Break

10:00 Session 3 & 4 in E2, E3

Three projects per session will be presented. 10 minute presentation, 5 minutes for questions.

10:45 Break

11:00 Session 5 & 6 in E2, E3

Three/four projects per session will be presented. 10 minute presentation, 5 minutes for questions.


The conference is free of charge and open to everyone. Take the chance to find out what the future may bring. Today's science fiction is tomorrow's science fact!